
Best Practices / Guidelines

  • 5-June-2015


    Education Indicators in Focus No.32 - Are education and skills being distributed more inclusively?

    Educational opportunities have a very important impact on a person’s life. Employment, earnings, well-being, health and trust are all strongly related to education and skills. A lack of high-quality educational opportunities is the most important way in which poverty, social inequality and exclusion are transmitted from one generation to another.

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  • 19-May-2015


    Teaching in Focus No. 11 - Supporting new teachers

    In many countries, less experienced teachers (those with less than five years’ teaching experience) are more likely to work in challenging schools and less likely to report confidence in their teaching abilities than more experienced teachers.

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  • 12-May-2015


    PISA in Focus No. 51: What do parents look for in their child’s school?

    When choosing a school for their child, parents in all participating countries value academic achievement highly; but they are often even more concerned about the safety and environment of the school and the school’s reputation.

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  • 14-April-2015


    PISA in Focus No. 50: Do teacher-student relations affect students' well-being at school?

    Children spend about a third of their waking hours in school during most weeks in the year. Thus, schools have a significant impact on children’s quality of life – including their relationships with peers and adults, and their dispositions towards learning and life more generally.

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  • 16-March-2015


    Teaching in Focus No. 10 - Embedding Professional Development in Schools for Teacher Success

    Teachers report participating in more non-school than school embedded professional development (i.e. professional development that is grounded in teachers daily professional practices). Participation in non-school and school embedded professional development varies greatly between countries.

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  • 12-February-2015


    PISA in Focus No. 48 - Does Math Make You Anxious?

    Greater anxiety towards mathematics is associated with lower scores in mathematics, both between and within countries. The better a student’s schoolmates perform in mathematics, the greater the student’s anxiety towards mathematics.

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  • 29-January-2015


    Education Indicators in Focus No. 28 - Are Young People Attaining Higher Levels of Education than their Parents?

    Between 2000 and 2012, the proportion of young adults (25-34 year-olds) with a tertiary qualification has grown by more than 3% per year on average in OECD countries. On average across 24 national and sub-national entities participating in the OECD Survey of Adult Skills, 39% of adults have achieved a higher level of education than their parents.

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  • 15-January-2015


    Teaching in Focus No. 9 - Improving School Climate and Students' Opportunities to Learn

    Almost one in three teachers across countries participating in the 2013 Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) reports having more than 10% of potentially disruptive students with behaviour problems in their classes. Teachers with more than one in ten students with behaviour problems spend almost twice as much time keeping order in the classroom than their peers with less than 10% of such students in their class.

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  • 11-December-2014


    PISA in Focus No. 46 - Does homework perpetuate inequities in education?

    While most 15-year-old students spend part of their after-school time doing homework, the amount of time they spend on it shrank between 2003 and 2012. Socio-economically advantaged students and students who attend socio-economically advantaged schools tend to spend more time doing homework.

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  • 9-December-2014


    Teaching in Focus No. 8 - What TALIS reveals about teachers across education levels

    The report New insights from TALIS 2013: Teaching and Learning in Primary and Upper Secondary Education presents an overview of teachers and teaching in primary and upper secondary education for a sample of countries that participated in the OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) in 2013.

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