
  • 19-July-2010

    English, , 406kb

    Indonesia Strenghtening Public Procurement Program

    The program's overall purpose was to assist the Government of Indonesia to improve the efficiency, transparency and accountability of the national public procurement system.

  • 7-July-2010

    English, , 3,097kb

    The Politics of Poverty: Findings from ten years of DFID-funded research on Governance and Fragile States 2001–2010

    To understand development we must understand the politics that shape it. Evidence shows that in order to deliver sustainable international development we must be able to understand and work with its politics.

  • 15-June-2010

    English, PDF, 731kb

    Evaluation of the Support to Democracy through Party Affiliated Organisations (PAOs)

    While PAOs can potentially make important contributions, the results of the projects studied are found to be very mixed and problems in relation to project design and management have been observed.

  • 14-June-2010

    English, , 153kb

    Swedish central government authorities in development cooperation

    By assessing compliance and organizational aspects the evaluation aims at strength-ened capacity of both Sida and the authorities to achieve development impact in coop-erating countries.

  • 3-May-2010

    English, , 1,797kb

    Poverty Reduction Support Credits: An Evaluation of World Bank Support

    The goal of Poverty Reduction Support Credits (PRSCs), introduced in early 2001 under World Bank Interim Guidelines, was to help countries implement comprehensive, country-owned development strategies to promote growth, improve social conditions, and reduce poverty.

  • 27-January-2010

    English, , 1,784kb

    Evaluation of the Norwegian Centre for Democracy Support 2002-2009

    This report, prepared at the request of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, presentsthe evaluation of one of the more controversial parts of Norwegian developmentcooperation, the institutions and arrangements for channelling support to politicalparties in partner countries.

  • 1-January-2010

    English, , 2,317kb

    Support to Legislatures – Synthesis Study

    The study discusses different models of legislatures and political and electoral systems, with particular emphasis on fragile states. It also presents an overview of agencies specialised in this field, and of trends of donor support.

  • 23-December-2009

    Portuguese, , 1,181kb

    Portuguese cooperation in the statistical field (1998-2008)

    The focus of this evaluation report is Portuguese Cooperation programs with the PALOP (Portuguese-speaking African Countries).The core objective is to evaluate the contribution made by Portuguese Cooperation to boosting the capacities of the National Statistical Systems (NSS) of the five countri

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  • 15-December-2009

    English, , 682kb

    Measuring Change and Results in Voice and Accountability Work

    The paper discusses the importance of establishing a theory of change to demonstrate the causal relationship between V&A interventions and wider development impacts, but further work is required to establish the links between outcome and impact through V&A work.

  • 13-October-2009

    English, , 2,037kb

    DEMO Finland Development Programme

    The purpose of the evaluation is to achieve an overall picture of the development activities of DEMO Finland, which begun in 2006 after a pilot phase from 2004, and to draw lessons for the benefit of future planning.

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