
  • 14-November-2012

    English, PDF, 3,107kb

    Evaluation of UNDP Contribution to Strengthening Electoral Systems and Processes

    Election Evaluation The study evaluates UNDP contribution to electoral assistance between 1990 and 2011, and in the past decade in particular. Looking across a diverse range of contexts, it evaluates the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of interventions, the added value of UNDP support, responsiveness to evolving demand, and the challenges and opportunities inherent to the process.

  • 16-October-2012

    English, PDF, 1,385kb

    Evaluation of CIDA's Ukraine Program from 2004 to 2009

    The program focused 95 percent of its funding to support development in two areas reflecting the shared goals of Canada and Ukraine: sustainable economic growth and democratic development. By 2009, CIDA had invested more than $99 million in programs to benefit Ukraine's 45 million people, making Canada Ukraine's fourth- largest provider of official development assistance since 2004.

  • 14-September-2012

    English, PDF, 3,123kb

    Evaluation of Public Financial Management Reform in Ghana: 2001–2010

    The study’s main conclusion is that, relative to the significant funds expended on Public Finance Management (PFM) reform over the study period, success has been largely disappointing. The most substantial progress was found in a stronger legislative base.

  • 14-September-2012

    English, PDF, 1,386kb

    Evaluation of Public Financial Management Reform in Malawi: 2001–2010

    The findings show that between 2000 and 2010 Malawi has made significant strides in improving its Public Financial Management (PFM) systems and that these improvements can be traced to direct PFM inputs by donors and government.

  • 14-September-2012

    English, PDF, 1,704kb

    Evaluation of Public Financial Management Reform in Burkina Faso (2001–2010)

    In summary. the findings show that between 2001-2011, Burkina Faso has been successful in delivering results from its Public Financial Management reforms. Major improvements have been attained across all areas of the PFM system, with the one exception of external scrutiny and audit.

  • 14-September-2012

    English, PDF, 1,253kb

    Evaluation of Public Financial Management Reform: Burkina Faso, Ghana and Malawi (2001–2010)

    Donor funding for PFM reform has facilitated its implementation in those countries where the context and mechanisms were right for success, and where external funding was focused on the Government’s reform programme.

  • 22-August-2012

    English, PDF, 1,025kb

    Assessment of Development Results: Liberia

    The review found that UNDP has clearly attempted to support national efforts spearheaded by the government to address the underlying structural causes of conflict, working with the Governance Commission, relevant ministries and subsequently established targeted commissions.

  • 1-May-2012

    English, , 4,611kb

    Finnish support to development of local governance

    The purpose of the evaluation is to make a wider assessment of Finland’s support in local governance and decentralisation in Kenya, Namibia, South Africa and Tanzania.

  • 25-April-2012

    English, , 354kb

    Evaluation of DFID’s Electoral Support through UNDP

    DFID's choice of UNDP as the primary channel for electoral assistance is credible. DFID should, however, make efforts to cultivate alternative or additional deliverypartners to complement its work with UNDP.

  • 15-February-2012

    English, , 1,717kb

    Thematic global evaluation of the Commission support to decentralisation processes

    EC support to decentralisation reforms was initiated with two main objectives in mind: to contribute to improved local governance; and to contribute to more effective and efficient delivery of local services.

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