
  • 12-May-2016

    English, PDF, 1,959kb

    Policy Review of Dutch Humanitarian Assistance, 2009-2014

    The overall objective for Dutch humanitarian assistance is to contribute to the relief of life-threatening human needs among the most vulnerable people caused by crisis situations and natural disasters. Between 2009 and 2014, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spent a total of EUR 1.6 billion on humanitarian assistance. This report presents the summary of an evaluation on the Netherlands’ humanitarian assistance policy.

  • 1-March-2016

    English, PDF, 931kb

    Opening Doors and Unlocking Potential – Key Lessons from an Evaluation of Support for Policy Influencing, Lobbying and Advocacy

    An increasing number of donors have rediscovered the importance of civil society in creating the conditions for achieving sustainable development. The Netherlands follows this trend. The evaluation concludes that CSOs succeed to various degrees in placing issues higher on the agenda and in influencing policy. However, influencing policy implementation is far more difficult to realise.

  • 22-February-2016

    English, PDF, 1,592kb

    Evaluation of the Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD)

    This evaluation of the Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) corporate programme performance from 2012-2015 builds on previous assessments, including the Mid-Term Evaluation and the Triennial Review. The evaluation looks at ensuring accountability and learning from DFID political governance portfolio interventions. The study seeks to learn lessons to support future WFD programming and political governance programming by DFID.

  • 4-December-2015

    English, PDF, 5,661kb

    Evaluation of the MDG3 Fund – ‘Investing in Equality’ 2008-2011

    This evaluation informs on how the MDG3 Fund has been put into practice and what is known of its results. Looking at the types of activities financed by the Fund, 80% of the projects undertook policy influencing, lobby and advocacy. It is a sub-study of the policy evaluation on women’s rights and gender equality conducted by IOB.

  • 6-October-2015

    English, PDF, 950kb

    Evaluation of the Dutch Contribution to Transition in the Arab Region (2009-2013)

    This report presents the findings of an evaluation of the response of the Dutch government to the Arab uprisings and its support to: democratisation; the rule of law; and economic growth. The Ministry funded a range of projects, however, less support was provided to governments in transition than to civil society. Findings show that the implementation of support to Arab countries is far from easy because of the volatile context.

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  • 2-March-2015

    English, PDF, 1,028kb

    Evaluation of SDC's Performance in Governance Programming and Mainstreaming

    This evaluation assessed the effectiveness of SDC’s governance programming (decentralization and local governance) and governance mainstreaming. Assessment criteria included legitimacy and relevance, ownership, participation and non-discrimination, accountability and transparency, efficiency, capacity development, outcomes and sustainability, coherence and coordination, and adaptive learning.

  • 2-March-2015

    English, PDF, 702kb

    International Party Assistance – what do we know about the effects?

    The purpose of this study is to review the findings of research on international party assistance and evaluation reports of donor institutions. Hence, the aim of the paper is to provide an answer to the question: What do we know about the effects of international assistance to political parties in new democracies?

  • 9-January-2015

    English, PDF, 300kb

    Justice Sector Cooperation with Portuguese-speaking African Countries

    The overall goal of this evaluation was to assess the contribution of Portuguese Cooperation to the reinforcement of the capacities of the national justice systems and their strengthening, to determine whether the Portuguese support contributed to greater accessibility and better access to justice for the citizens, as well as to identify new areas of cooperation, based upon the good practices and lessons learned.

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  • 9-January-2015

    Portuguese, PDF, 2,456kb

    Avaliação Cooperação Portuguesa no Sector da Justiça aos Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa

    O objectivo geral da presente avaliação foi, assim, apreciar o contributo da Cooperação Portuguesa no reforço das capacidades dos sistemas nacionais de justiça e no seu fortalecimento, determinar se a ajuda portuguesa contribuiu para uma maior acessibilidade e melhor acesso do cidadão à justiça, bem como identificar novas áreas de cooperação, considerando boas práticas e as lições aprendidas.

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  • 28-November-2014

    English, PDF, 1,003kb

    Impact evaluation of the Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD)

    The main objective of this evaluation is to assess “WFD’s effectiveness in contributing towards its intended outcome of making the parliaments and political parties it works with more effective, accountable and representative”. The expected outcome is to “strengthen democracy, stability and good governance, in the emerging/developing democracies and post-conflict countries and fragile states” in which WFD works.

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