
  • 21-December-2007

    English, Excel, 76kb

    Cluster evaluation on Education sector in Guinea-Bissau (2000-07) - Executive Summary

    The present evaluation is an internal exercise carried out by GAAI, with the contribution of a local consultant for the analysis of PAEIGB and PASEG interventions.

  • 25-October-2007

    English, , 1,725kb

    Follow-up Study: Evaluation of Danish Assistance to Vocational Education and Training

    The purpose of the follow-up study is to analyse the usefulness of recommendations given by the evaluation, identify actions taken to follow up on the recommendations, and to identify constraining factors preventing the recommendations from being followed.

  • 20-November-2006

    English, , 216kb

    Review of Sida’s Research Cooperation - Synthesis Report

    Sida has been tasked by the Swedish Government to strengthen the research capacity of developing countries, promote research that contributes to poverty reduction and fair and sustainable global development.

  • 14-October-2006

    English, Excel, 514kb

    Program Evaluation for USAID/Guinea Basic Education Program Portfolio

    USAID/Guinea has invested 57 million dollars for the implementation of its strategy for the current planning cycle. At the beginning of this period, access to primary education had already begun to rapidly increase, but instruction was marked by low quality levels and a weak capacity for system-wide planning.

  • 15-June-2006

    English, , 233kb

    Evaluation of Sida Information and Communications Technologies Support to Universities

    For the last eight years, SAREC, Sida’s Department for Research Cooperation, has supported the introduction and expansion of ICTs in universities in a dozen countries worldwide. The programme has created signifi cant benefi ts, often far in excess of expectations or cost. As a result, researchers at supported universities are much more able to compete with their counterparts in developed countries, and the overall quality of

  • 24-May-2006

    English, Excel, 75kb

    IPAD Scolarships policy Evaluation (1995-2003) - Executive Summary

    The Educational Grant Programme represents an important instrument in responding to one of the key aspects of cooperation – raising human resource competences.

  • 11-November-2005

    Spanish, , 5,484kb

    Evaluation of the literacy programme and adult basic education in Hondorus and Nicaragua

    El Programa de Alfabetización y Educación Básica de Adultos PAEBA fue aprobado a propuesta de los Ministros de Educación en el marco de la II CumbreIberoamericana de Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno celebrada en 1992 en Madrid. Su objetivo general es reducir la tasa de analfabetismo entre la quinta y la cuarta parte de la vigente a su inicio en cada país, en los 5 años inicialmente previstos para su ejecución.

  • 19-October-2005

    English, Excel, 491kb

    Assessment of the USAID Assistance Program to the Reform of the Benin Primary Education System

    In our recommendations to USAID/Benin, we propose activities in eight areas: 1) teacher training; 2) curriculum; 3) student assessment; 4) linkage between primary and secondary schools; 5) system management, emphasizing decentralization and communication; 6) community development; 7) equity; and 8) HIV/AIDS education.

  • 15-June-2005

    French, Excel, 155kb

    Action Communautaire Pour l'Education Des Filles au Bénin, Evaluation Finale

    Action Communautaire pour l’Education des filles (ACEF) est un projet de quatre ans dont l’objectif est de promouvoir l’éducation des filles au Bénin, dans les écoles situées en zones rurales en stimulant la participation des communautés à l’éducation de leurs enfants.

  • 30-December-2004

    English, , 1,479kb

    Special Evaluation: Assessment of the Higher Education partnerships for global development program

    This report presents an independent assessment of Promoting Higher Education Partnerships for Global Development, a program financed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by the Association Liaison Office (ALO) for University Cooperation in Development.

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