
  • 25-March-2011

    English, , 477kb

    Evaluation of Policy-Based Operations, 1999-2009

    The evaluation concluded that the Bank has made substantial progress in its use of Polic-Based Operations, moving away from past dependence on the IMF and the World Bank for design of its engagement in structural adjustment operations

  • 22-March-2011

    English, , 1,875kb

    Evaluation of Norwegian Development Cooperation - Annual Report 2010

    Several of this year’s evaluation reports point to a general problem in development cooperation. There is too little knowledge of the community where our assistance will be provided, particularly knowledge of local conditions.

  • 28-February-2011

    Portuguese, PDF, 533kb

    Relatorio anual da avaliacao e da auditoria interna 2010 - In Portuguese

    This is the 2010 annual report from the “Camões – Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua” (CICL)

  • 3-January-2011

    Spanish, , 2,126kb

    Evaluation of the Spanish Cooperation with Angola (2002-2007)

    Evaluation of the Spanish Cooperation with Angola

  • 14-December-2010

    English, , 52kb

  • 14-December-2010

    English, , 472kb

  • 8-December-2010

    English, , 876kb

    Annual Review of Development Effectiveness 2009: Improving Basic Services for the Poor

    This review provides an account of the aid program's performance to the Australian Government and people and is a source of lessons and recommendations for the Australian aid program.

  • 22-November-2010

    English, , 2,473kb

    The EBRD's Response to the 2008-2009 crisis

    This study, carried out by the Bank’s independent Evaluation Department, focuses on the crisis response from an EBRD perspective and is grounded in the EBRD's unique mandate and instruments.

  • 27-October-2010

    French, , 662kb

    Evaluation du dispositif de Volontariat de Solidarité Internationale (VSI) - Synthese

    Le volontariat de solidarité internationale (VSI) permet à des citoyens, pour un temps déterminé, de mettre leurs compétences au service d’actions de solidarité internationale, de développement ou d’urgence humanitaire.

    Related Documents
  • 26-October-2010

    English, , 981kb

    EBRD Shareholder's Special Fund

    Established in April 2008 with the net income that the Bank achieved in the previous year, its function is to facilitate the Bank’s operations by financing technical cooperation (TC) measures and non-TC support.

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