
  • 8-July-2016

    English, PDF, 1,171kb

    Evaluation at Sida: Annual Report 2015

    The purpose of this annual report is to provide an overview of evaluations commissioned by Sida units and foreign missions that were published in 2015 and to briefly present results from these 52 evaluations. The report does not cover evaluations commissioned by our partners or other donors.

  • 13-April-2016

    English, PDF, 1,956kb

    Evaluation: Finland’s Development Policy Programmes from a Results-Based Management Point of View 2003–2013

    This evaluation finds that the Ministry for Foreign Affairs still lacks a comprehensive approach to Result-Based Management at the corporate level and that future policy implementation should be guided by a long-term strategic plan that is underpinned by a comprehensive Strategic Results Framework. Future policy direction by incoming governments should be in the form of concise policy statements that provide input into this plan.

  • 7-December-2015

    English, PDF, 1,531kb

    Independent Evaluation of General Capital Increase VI and African Development Fund 12 and 13 Commitments: Overarching Review

    The Sixth General Capital Increase and the African Development Fund replenishments reflected a vote of confidence in the AfDB and its leadership. Overall, the evaluation found a Bank that is on the move. The Bank is delivering its commitments in terms of agreed documents or establishing agreed structures, albeit often late. The Bank is on the road to positive reform, in the direction that both it and its stakeholders want to see.

  • 1-December-2015

    English, PDF, 2,044kb

    Administrative Budget Management of the African Development Bank: An Independent Evaluation

    This evaluation was one of the three components of an overall evaluation assessing the Bank’s implementation of General Capital Increase and African Development Fund 12th and 13th replenishment commitments. The evaluation assesses the management's efficiency and effectiveness in delivering on its strategic priorities and areas where further improvements may be possible.

  • 1-December-2015

    English, PDF, 1,576kb

    Independent Evaluation of Policy and Strategy Making and Implementation

    Overall, the evaluation has three major messages. First, the Bank has been able to produce a good range of regulatory and strategic documents, generally of acceptable quality and highly relevant to its own priorities. Second, the suites are not well organised, due to a lack of clarity and to issues around management of information. Third, the existence of the documents does not guarantee their correct and full implementation.

  • 7-July-2015

    English, PDF, 2,695kb

    Quality of project results’ reporting at the African Development Bank 2008-09

    The review was undertaken to provide a synthesis of project evaluations prepared during 2008-09, and highlight the key issues around the Bank’s overall approach to project completion reporting, taking account of changes introduced in 2009. The review revealed that greater progress in compliance with project completion reporting (PCR) is evident, but timeliness remains a substantial issue.

  • 30-June-2015

    English, PDF, 1,932kb

    Strategizing for the “Africa We Want”: Evaluation of the quality at entry of country strategy and regional integration strategy papers

    This report presents the findings of the independent evaluation of the quality at entry of country and regional integration strategies. The Bank has made little progress in achieving its target of 100 percent of Country Strategy Papers rated as satisfactory or better (S+)1. However, quality at entry, measured against moderately satisfactory or better (MS+), has improved over the study period.

  • 4-May-2015

    French, PDF, 981kb

    Rapport de l'évaluateur spécial de la coopération belge au développement - Exercices 2012 et 2013

    La méta-évaluation montre l’absence de stratégie de l’administration en ce qui concerne l’évaluation. Les rapports sont demandés au cas par cas, sans que cela ne réponde à une ligne de conduite. Les acteurs profitent de cette souplesse et mènent leurs évaluations en fonction de leurs propres besoins. Ils se servent des évaluations principalement à des fins l’apprentissage et d’appui de leurs décisions, peu pour rendre des comptes.

  • 25-February-2015

    English, PDF, 7,631kb

    Japan’s ODA Evaluation 2014

    This annual report provides an overview of ODA evaluation trends in Chapter 1, outlines the results of evaluations conducted mainly in FY2013 at policy and program levels in Chapter 2, and explains the status of follow-ups on FY2012 ODA evaluation results in Chapter 3.

  • 9-January-2015

    Portuguese, PDF, 1,021kb

    Relatório Anual da Avaliação e da Auditoria Interna 2011

    O presente relatório abrange as atividades de avaliação e auditoria interna desenvolvidas no decorrer do ano de 2011. O seu objetivo é, não só, sistematizar a informação disponível como, também, sintetizar os resultados e as constatações resultantes da atividade do Gabinete de Avaliação e Auditoria Interna que poderão contribuir para promover a partilha de conhecimento e acrescentar valor às atividades da cooperação portuguesa.

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