
  • 4-December-2007

    English, , 551kb

    Report: Task 3 - Review of the Technology Employed to Deliver E-Learning - Amman, Jordan

    The Jordan Education Initiative (JEI) was created in 2003, with the assistance of the World Economic Forum (WEF), to apply public-private partnerships to improve the application of information and communication technology (ICT) in grades 1–12 in Jordanian schools.

  • 15-June-2006

    English, , 233kb

    Evaluation of Sida Information and Communications Technologies Support to Universities

    For the last eight years, SAREC, Sida’s Department for Research Cooperation, has supported the introduction and expansion of ICTs in universities in a dozen countries worldwide. The programme has created signifi cant benefi ts, often far in excess of expectations or cost. As a result, researchers at supported universities are much more able to compete with their counterparts in developed countries, and the overall quality of

  • 7-October-2004

    English, , 1,198kb

    Sida’s Work with Culture and Media Main Report

    This evaluation addresses the question on how support to culture and the media can be linked to efforts to reduce poverty, and it assesses the relevance of Sidas present policy and practice in the field of culture and the media...

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