
  • 16-March-2016

    English, PDF, 1,102kb

    Evaluation of Australia’s Humanitarian Response to the Syria Crisis

    Since the Syrian conflict began, the Australian Government has responded with over $135 million for humanitarian assistance. Examining the effectiveness of this response, this evaluation considers both the efficacy of material assistance provided and that of Australia’s diplomatic efforts. It also identifies some important ways in which Australia’s response to this, and other, protracted crises might be further strengthened.

  • 16-March-2016

    English, PDF, 1,590kb

    Evaluation of the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP)

    The ANCP is a successful and highly valued program. It identifies positive features which might usefully inform the Australian Government’s approach to a number of other development programs and partnerships. It also highlights areas for improvement, such as the need to address the complexity and limited transparency associated with funding allocations and to bolster the sharing of knowledge and learning across the partnership.

  • 7-March-2016

    English, PDF, 437kb

    DFID Syria Crisis Unit, Humanitarian Programme Process Evaluation

    DFID’s management of its response to the Syria crisis could have been considerably better. In 2012 DFID did not have experience of how to operate a response to a challenge like the Syria crisis. It made some poor initial decisions. However, DFID’s Grant allocation appears to work effectively. During 2014 DFID moved the programme onto a more stable footing, with a longer-term focus and more multi-year funding.

  • 4-March-2016

    English, PDF, 2,962kb

    Evaluation of Policy Dialogue as an Instrument in Swedish Development Cooperation - the case of Gender Equality

    Despite some flaws, policy dialogue has been an effective tool overall. Swedish embassies have been able to use it in diverse contexts to help achieve Sweden’s development co-operation objectives. There is also clear evidence it has contributed to increased gender equality, particularly regarding development or revision of gender-specific laws. It had the least effect in terms of governments increasing resources for gender equality.

  • 4-March-2016

    English, PDF, 5,200kb

    Evaluation of the Humanitarian Innovation and Evidence Programme (HIEP): Formative Phase Report

    The focus of HIEP programme development so far has understandably been on the establishment of the individual HIEP projects along with key partnerships and stakeholder relationships. This is creating a solid foundation for HIEP to be successful. Plans for robust, relevant evidence, support to innovation and key relationships are in place. It is now timely to start developing more detailed programme-level plans.

  • 4-March-2016

    English, PDF, 4,360kb

    SEED II: Exploring the Agricultural Initiatives' Influence on Stability in Somalia

    The evaluation examines the importance of conflict and conflict dynamics in the targeted areas. Conflicts in Lower and Middle Shabelle continue to evolve. Most conflicts relate to resources and land disputes between clans, as well as disputes over the right to resources. These dynamics are analysed carefully and show how important these factors are to consider when selecting beneficiaries and when analysing the logic of the programme.

  • 3-March-2016

    English, PDF, 2,551kb

    Business and Human Rights in Development Cooperation – has Sweden Incorporated the UN Guiding Principles

    The study finds examples of policy commitments to improved human rights practices by companies as well as diligent efforts in agencies and State-owned companies. The observed good practices by the State institutions appear to reflect results of systematic efforts with regards to implementation of human rights commitments. This is due to internal work in the institutions and not to specific requirements posed by the State ministries.

  • 1-March-2016

    English, PDF, 931kb

    Opening Doors and Unlocking Potential – Key Lessons from an Evaluation of Support for Policy Influencing, Lobbying and Advocacy

    An increasing number of donors have rediscovered the importance of civil society in creating the conditions for achieving sustainable development. The Netherlands follows this trend. The evaluation concludes that CSOs succeed to various degrees in placing issues higher on the agenda and in influencing policy. However, influencing policy implementation is far more difficult to realise.

  • 23-February-2016

    English, PDF, 4,221kb

    Mid Term Evaluation of the Africa Regional Empowerment and Accountability Programme (AREAP)

    The purpose of the evaluation is two-fold: it seeks to establish the extent to which the programme has been effective (producing the results anticipated), and efficient (the least costly resources possible have been used to produce these results); and it identifies programme and non-programme related explanations for success and failure that could be “translated” into more effective, efficient and sustainable programme interventions.”

  • 23-February-2016

    English, PDF, 2,118kb

    Evaluation of Results-Based Aid in Rwandan Education - Year Two Annex Report

    The objective of the programme is to pilot the provision of additional results-based aid based on improvements in the number of students completing primary, lower secondary, and upper secondary education; and the competency of teachers in Rwanda to use English. DFID funding for the proposed RBA pilot is in addition to DFID’s existing support to the education sector. Key elements of the RBA pilot are summarised in this TOR.

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