
By Date

  • 8-December-2010


    Regulatory Reform in OECD Countries: Reports by Country

    The unique OECD peer review process has helped improve public policy. It assesses how countries manage the design, adoption and enforcement of regulations according to a conceptual framework. It ensures comparability while taking account of institutional and cultural differences across countries.

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  • 8-October-2010


    Energy Policies of IEA Countries - Czech Republic 2010 Review

    This review analyses the energy challenges facing the Czech Republic and provides sectoral critiques and recommendations for further policy improvements. It is intended to help guide the country towards a more secure and sustainable energy future.

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  • 7-October-2010


    Energy Policies of IEA Countries: Czech Republic 2010

    The International Energy Agency's 2010 review of the Czech Republic's energy policies and programmes. It analyses the energy challenges facing the Czech Republic and provides sectoral critiques and recommendations for further policy improvements. It is intended to help guide the country towards a more secure and sustainable energy future. It finds that the Czech Republic, rich in coal resources, is the third-largest electricity exporter in the European Union. The energy sector plays an important role for the country’s economy and for the regional energy security. Since the last IEA in-depth review in 2005, the Czech Republic has strengthened its energy policy, further liberalised its electricity and gas markets and made laudable efforts to enhance oil and gas security. The Czech government has a unique opportunity to develop coherent and balanced energy and climate strategies as it currently updates its policy documents. The draft State Energy Concept concentrates on energy security and on maintaining the Czech Republic as a net electricity exporter, through a diversified energy mix and a maximised use of indigenous resources, comprising coal, uranium and renewable energy. While the focus on energy security is praiseworthy, energy policy could be further improved. Energy policy should be better integrated with climate change considerations. At the same time, economic efficiency should be another key pillar of energy policy. To improve its energy security while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing economic development, the Czech Republic could take measures to: improve energy efficiency and broaden demand-side measures; focus on low-carbon technologies; integrate electricity and natural gas markets regionally; and optimise needed new infrastructure.
  • 15-June-2010

    Czech, , 183kb

    Zemědělství - Výhled OECD-FAO na rok 2010 (cz)

    Czech summary of the OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2010, assessing agricultural market prospects for production, consumption, trade, stocks and prices of featured commodities.

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  • 20-April-2010

    Czech, , 2,062kb

  • 20-April-2010


    Further Advancing Pro-Growth Tax and Benefit Reform in the Czech Republic

    In 2008, the Czech government implemented a major overhaul of the personal income tax (PIT), replacing the previous progressive rate schedule with a single 15% rate levied on an enlarged base.

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  • 1-January-2010

    English, , 723kb

    Learning for Jobs - OECD Reviews of Vocational Education and Training: Czech Repubic

    This review of vocational education and training (VET) in the Czech Republic is part of ―Learning for Jobs‖, the OECD policy study of VET – a programme of analytical work and individual country reviews designed to help countries make their VET systems more responsive to labour market needs.

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  • 21-December-2009


    Expert Response to Czech Republic Ministry of Education January 2009 White Paper on Tertiary Education

    In 2004 the OECD launched a thematic review of tertiary education to examine how institutions and national policies are meeting these challenges. 24 countries participated in that review, including the Czech Republic.

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  • 18-November-2009


    Czech Republic - Key economic projections

    Economic forecasts for GDP, unemployment, inflation and fiscal balance

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  • 23-February-2009

    English, , 367kb

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