
Working Papers

  • 19-April-2013


    Who Cares? Corporate Governance in Today's Equity Markets

    This paper charts the key changes in equity markets over the last decade or so which may affect the conditions for corporate governance. It also provides a brief overview of related policy discussions and selected national initiatives that have been taken as a response to equity market developments.

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  • 5-April-2013


    State-Owned Enterprises - Trade Effects and Policy Implications

    With growing integration via trade and investment, state-owned enterprises (SOEs) that have traditionally been oriented towards domestic markets increasingly compete with private firms in the global market place. This paper discusses the extent of state ownership in the global economy, the advantages and disadvantages that SOEs can face, and how potential SOE advantages can generate cross-border effects.

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  • 18-January-2013


    Balancing Commercial and Non-Commercial Priorities of State-Owned Enterprises, OECD Corporate Governance Working Papers, No. 6

    This paper examines the rationales for public ownership of enterprises in five OECD countries: Hungary, Israel, the Netherlands, New Zealand and Norway. It addresses the overall ownership priorities formulated by governments, the specific obligations that may be communicated to individual SOEs, the political decision processes leading to these priorities and the disclosure and accountability arrangements underpinning them.

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  • 18-January-2013


    Beneficial Ownership and Control: Disclosure, information and enforcement, OECD Corporate Governance Working Papers, No. 7

    Investor confidence in financial markets largely depends on an accurate disclosure regime that provides transparency in the beneficial ownership and control structures of publicly listed companies. This paper provides a comparative analysis of how disclosure of beneficial ownership and control is handled by jurisdictions in Europe, Asia and the United States; it highlights the costs, benefits and practicality of various approaches.

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  • 11-August-2011


    The exercise of shareholder rights: Country comparison of turnout and dissent, OECD Corporate Governance Working Papers, No.3

    This working paper examines the degree to which investors use their share voting rights to register their concerns with companies on corporate issues in OECD countries and Brazil. The study highlights patterns of dissent that suggest remuneration and issues of capital structure are the resolutions that attract most consistent shareholder dissent. Australia, Chile and Germany are singled out for enhanced analysis.

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  • 1-August-2011


    The size and composition of the SOE sector in OECD countries, OECD Corporate Governance Working Papers, No. 5

    This working paper summarises the main findings of a data collection exercise documenting the size of the national state-owned enterprise (SOE) sectors in OECD countries (in terms of number, employment and economic value of enterprises), and provides a breakdown by main sectors and types of incorporation.

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  • 1-August-2011


  • 1-May-2011


    Enhancing the role of the boards of directors of state-owned enterprises, OECD Corporate Governance Working Papers, No. 2

    Board autonomy and competences is one of the key challenges in making state-owned enterprises operate on truly commercial terms. This paper examines the challenges facing SOE boards, relative to private enterprises and vis-à-vis their government owners, based on interviews with a large number of serving Chairs and other key board members.

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  • 1-May-2011


    Competitive neutrality and state-owned enterprises, OECD Corporate Governance Working Papers, No. 1

    This paper examines sources of competitive advantages and incentives for SOE managers, boards and government owners to use them and national approaches to countering these practices. It outlines options available to competition agencies to counter anti-competitive practices by SOEs and to help enhance competitive neutrality.

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