
Anti-corruption and integrity in the public sector

OECD Public Integrity Maturity Models


What are the maturity models?

The maturity models allow a government (national or subnational) or a public sector organisation to assess the elements of their integrity systems, and identify where they are situated in relation to good practice across four categories: nascent, emerging, established and leading. The maturity models can be used by political and executive leadership, government officials, public sector integrity practitioners, business and civil society.

The public integrity maturity models are a complement to the OECD Recommendation of the Council on Public Integrity and the OECD Public Integrity Handbook. They can also be used in conjunction with the forthcoming Public Integrity Indicators, to provide a qualitative, subjective assessment of public integrity.

Tips for use

When carrying out an assessment, the assessor may want to ask colleagues to verify their assessment. For example, if a public integrity practitioner does the assessment, eliciting other viewpoints, such as those from an HR colleague or a legal colleague, could help further understand the maturity of the organisation or government.

To be fully qualified at the respective level, all elements mentioned should be in place and functioning. The maturity models also show a way for progress by outlining what measures are needed to achieve a leading model.

Click on the element that you would like to assess: