
Direction de la Gouvernance publique

Network on Open and Innovative Government in Latin America and the Caribbean


In recent years, Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries have undertaken great efforts to design and implement public sector reforms inspired by the principles of open and innovative government. For instance, some countries from the region have started pioneering the move from the concept of Open Government toward that of Open State, by diffusing open government principles across all branches of power and levels of government. While progress has been important, a variety of challenges to the successful implementation of open government strategies and initiatives remain in both LAC and OECD countries. At the same time, countries in the region are increasingly moving towards the construction of digital governments. This implies, for instance, the design and delivery of public services that take advantage of technology and data, and focus on the needs and well-being of citizens.

In order to create a platform to provide the LAC region with the opportunity to engage in policy dialogue, knowledge transfer, and exchange of good practices in the areas of open government, public sector innovation and digital government, the OECD launched the Network on Open and Innovative Government in Latin America and the Caribbean in the framework of the OGP Global Summit in Mexico in 2015.


The objectives of the network

  • Connect reformers around the region from government, civil society, business associations to exchange ideas, experiences, and knowledge on how to build better and stronger public institutions;
  • Identify good practices of open and innovative governments and create a space conducive to their dissemination, through data collection and analyses, policy assessments, and peer review processes;
  • Provide examples and recommendations to its members on how to sequence open, innovative and digital government reforms within the regional and country-specific context and support their implementation to promote socio-economic development and regional integration.


Activities of the network 

  • Policy dialogue and assistance to implementation
  • Supporting national and regional policy priorities
  • Collecting data and producing analyses for better decision making
  • Governance of the Network

Colombia and Brazil share Co-Chairmanship of the Network

Colombia and Brazil currently co-chair the Network and work towards advancing the dialogue and sharing of best practices across the participating countries. 


Reports on Open Government


Reports on Digital Government



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