
Adaptation to climate change

Fourth meeting of the OECD Task Force on Climate Change Adaptation

7&8 March 2022
12h15 - 15h30
Virtual Meeting

The OECD Task Force on Climate Change Adaptation (TFCCA) meets as part of the OECD Working Parties on Climate, Investment & Development (WPCID) as well as on Biodiversity, Water & Ecosystems (WPBWE). Both are part of the OECD Environment Policy Committee (EPOC). The objective of the TFCCA is to assist the OECD Secretariat in delivering projects for the Environment Policy Committee to advance countries’ policy agendas and strengthen their resilience to climate change and climate variability. The TFCCA seeks to promote concrete solutions and develop policy guidance on climate change adaptation. This work is informed by policy analysis, the collection of data, and the development of indicators, carried out as part of the Environment Policy Committee projects. TFCCA work can inspire national policies on adaptation and facilitate the assessment and monitoring of progress in implementing countries’ climate change adaptation policy agendas.


The 4th Meeting of the Task Force on Climate Change Adaptation (TFCCA) facilitated the sharing of updates on recent national and international adaptation developments among delegates. This included a focus on the outcomes and future implications of the COP26. The meeting also updated members on key ongoing project developments with a view to seek members’ guidance and orientations for future work. In light of the development of the new Programme of Work and Budget 2023-2024, members shared views and priorities on new potential adaptation priorities. Finally, an update was shared and a discussion organised on the future of the TFCCA, in which the Secretariat reported back on recent deliberations and feedback received from Delegates of the WPCID. 



Update from TFCCA members

Updates from relevant climate-related OECD flagship initiatives 

Horizon scanning: The future of climate change adaptation


Adapting to a changing climate in the management of extreme wildfires

Future orientation of the adaptation work

 Measuring progress in implementing national adaptation policies

Climate-resilient finance and investment

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