

  • 22-March-2006

    English, , 965kb

    Assessing World Bank Support for Trade 1987-2004: An IEG Evaluation

    This report analyzes the Bank's contribution to freer trade in developing countries and makes concrete recommendations on how to boost trade opportunities to better alleviate poverty in the future.

  • 11-November-2005

    Spanish, , 2,715kb

    Evaluation of Spanish Cooperation in Health in Mozambique

    Desde la Subdirección General de Planificación y Evaluación de Políticas de Desarrollo (SGPEPD)1 de la Secretaría de Estado para la Cooperación Internacional del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Exteriores y de Cooperación, se encomienda la evaluación del Programa para la Recuperación del Patrimonio Histórico Arquitectónico y para el Desarrollo Turístico y Agrícola de Cidade-Velha (en adelante, el Programa), en la República de Cabo

  • 3-mars-2003

    Français, , 753kb

  • 7-August-2002

    English, , 4,190kb

    Contract-Financed Technical Co-operation and Local Ownership, Botswana and Mozambique Country Study Report

    This evaluation deals with contract-financed technical co-operation (KTS) as a particular aid form in Swedish development co-operation. In Particular the study explores the link between local ownerhip and the various characterstics of KTS projects, such as being demand-driven, limited in time, scope and financial volume, involve a competent local partner and based on a contract between a consultant and a local partner (LPO),

  • 7-février-2002

    Français, , 423kb

  • 2-August-2001

    English, , 1,269kb

    Assumptions and Partnerships in the Making of a Country Strategy: An Evaluation of the Swedish-Mozambican Experience Institute of Social Studies

    Based on the experience of the 1996–2001 Country Strategy process, this report suggests ways to make the Country Strategy a more effective tool for Sida’s management of development cooperation In Mozambique.

  • 1-August-2001

    English, , 1,956kb

    Approach and Organisation of Sida Support to Private Sector Development

    An evaluation was conducted of Sida’s approach to, and organisation of private sector development (PSD) support.

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