

Connecting people with good jobs


Making good-quality employment accessible to all is essential for inclusive societies, for harnessing societies’ productive potential, and to confront the economic and fiscal challenges resulting from population ageing. At a time of significant labour-market transformation, more globalised and technologically advanced economies call for activation and employment support policies that minimise adjustment costs, help workers manage displacement risks and shorten jobless spells. A suitable policy mix is also needed to support the acquisition of new skills, to facilitate career progression and to help those in precarious employment access more stable or better-paying jobs.

Active labour market policies
Connecting people with jobs

The objective of an effective activation policy for jobseekers and other disadvantaged groups  is to bring more people into the labour force and into jobs. At the OECD we help countries  strengthen their policies in order to make good-quality employment attainable. 

Faces of Joblessness
Towards People-centred Employment Support

 Understanding the individual circumstances of jobless individuals and those with marginal employment is a prerequisite for effective policies to connect people with good jobs. A newly developed  tool (Faces of Joblessness) enables policymakers and practitioners to identify the key employment obstacles facing different groups of unemployed, underemployed or discouraged/inactive individuals.

Related content: Back to work: country review on displaced workers

Job displacement (involuntary job loss due to firm closure or downsizing) affects many workers over the course of their working lives. Helping displaced workers get back into good jobs quickly should be a key goal of labour market policy.‌



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