
Country data

The OECD Career Readiness project makes use of quantitative evidence to investigate how career-related aspects of teenage lives are associated with better adult employment outcomes. Review of multiple national longitudinal datasets confirms 11 indicators of better outcomes linked to the ways in which teenagers while in secondary education explore, experience and think about their potential futures in work.

Country Data

Understanding a country's career readiness requires analysis of teenage indicators of career readiness. Below you can find country specific data on career readiness drawing from PISA longitudinal data.

Update: As of April 11th, this page is still under construction. Please check back soon.

Key attributes of effective career guidance

Key attributes of effective career guidance:

  • enables young people to develop informed, critical perspectives about the relationship between education and employment
  • begins career thinking early (primary school/lower secondary)
  • provides regular opportunities for young people to discuss and reflect on their prospective futures in order to develop self-understanding
  • actively seeks to broaden the career-related knowledge and interests
  • challenges assumptions about what is reasonable (eg stereotypical thinking)
  • provides easy access to trustworthy and understandable labour market information
  • ensures that advice/guidance is made available from guidance professionals who are (i) well-trained, (ii) independent and (iii) impartial. 
  • Ensures that employers, employees and workplace experiences are systematically involved in provision
  • Listens to young people, helping them to actively explore potential careers
  • acknowledges and addresses the ways in which young people think about jobs and careers are shaped by gender, social background, migrant status and sense of identity
  • is delivered flexibly