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The objective of the DAC Network on Environment and Development Co-operation (ENVIRONET) is to ensure that all development co-operation contributes to sustainable development, by building on and integrating principles of sound environmental management and thus contributing to low carbon, climate-resilient and equitable growth and development pathways.

Our mandate

ENVIRONET works in support of the implementation of 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Agreement, and the Rio Conventions on climate change, biodiversity and desertification – all with a view to advancing an effective and impactful development co-operation.

Through the promotion of environmentally sustainable, climate resilient and low-emissions development pathways, ENVIRONET aims to contribute to better development outcomes, economic growth, and improved livelihood opportunities, especially for the most vulnerable people.

With a view to these objectives, ENVIRONET will:

  • Analyse and review policies and their implementation, identify lessons learned and good practice and innovative approaches, and provide guidance and recommendations on pertinent challenges within the Network’s area of work;
  • Monitor and support efforts to mobilise, deliver and report in a coherent and transparent manner effective and predictable environment-related development finance, including climate finance, as well as the associated impacts, outcomes and results;
  • Support members’ and partners’ efforts towards equitable and inclusive approaches to green growth and sustainable development, and strengthen the effectiveness of international mechanisms and architecture to govern global environmental public goods.



Policy instruments and guidance

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Focus areas

  • Aligning development co-operation and climate action: This report outlines how providers can make changes at home, in developing countries and in the international development co-operation system, to help create low-emissions, climate-resilient economies, and how they can avoid supporting activities that lock the world into an unsustainable future.
  • A Decade of Development Finance for Biodiversity: This report identifies the main gaps between biodiversity-related priorities and investments, and provides detailed estimates on financial allocations to the fight against illegal wildlife trade; nature-based solutions; indigenous peoples and local communities; the mainstreaming of biodiversity; gender equality; and climate change
  • Climate-related development finance: This publication provides the latest data reported by the members of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) on the climate-related objectives of their bilateral official development assistance (ODA) through the Rio markers.
  • Integrating Environmental and Climate Action into Development Co-operation: At their High-Level Meeting (HLM) in 2020, members of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) set out a number of commitments and aspirations to align development co-operation with the objectives of international agreements to fight climate change and protect the environment. One year later, this report documents the individual and collective steps taken to give effect to the four voluntary commitments set out in the HLM Communiqué.
  • Sustainable Ocean for All: This report provides evidence on (i) the latest trends in selected ocean-based industries; (ii) policy instruments, including economic incentives, to promote ocean sustainability in various contexts; (iii) the first review of development finance and development co-operation practices in support of more sustainable ocean economies.


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