
Inclusive societies and development

Social Protection Systems Reviews


We advocate for a systems approach to the extension and reform of social protection programmes and financing tools: coherent programmes, co-ordinated institutions, shared administrative systems, and an efficient allocation of financial resources.

In that context, Social Protection Systems Reviews provide holistic assessments of country social protection systems, informing efforts to introduce, extend and reform social protection policies and programmes. The Reviews evaluate five dimensions:

i) the need for social protection, based on an analysis of risks and vulnerabilities across the life cycle;
ii) current levels of coverage;
iii) effectiveness, or whether systems are adequate, equitable and efficient;
iv) sustainability of social protection financing; and
v) coherence between the institutions and political processes underlying social protection and other policies.

Taken together, these dimensions provide a diagnostic of the main challenges for a country’s social protection system and identify options for extension and reform.

Explore our research 

Social Protection System Review of Cambodia
Read the full report
Read the summary - 60 seconds: A quick guide to Cambodia's SPSR

Social Protection System Review of Kyrgyzstan
Read the full report
Read the summary - 60 seconds: A quick guide to Kyrgyzstan's SPSR

Social Protection System Review of Indonesia
Read the full report
Read the summary - 60 seconds: A quick guide to Indonesia's SPSR

Social Protection System Review: A Toolkit
Read the full Toolkit






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