
  • 15-October-2008

    English, , 274kb

    Introduction of Voluntary Social and Ecological Standards in Developing Countries

    The evaluation has shown that standard initiatives can also be an efficient and effec-tive tool for poverty reduction and sustainable development in the African context.

  • 19-August-2008

    French, , 1,623kb

    Volet social et environnemental du barrage de Manantali

    C’est en réponse à la sécheresse des années 1970 que l’Organisation pour la mise en valeur du fleuve Sénégal (OMVS) – organisme de bassin créé en 1972 – lança un ambitieux programme d’investissement dans des infrastructures de maîtrise de l’eau du fleuve Sénégal.

  • 26-February-2008

    English, , 396kb

    Cameroon: Evaluation of Bank Group assistance to the social sector 1996 - 2004

    The purpose of evaluating Bank assistance to the social sector in Cameroon is to examine the consistency of the Bank’s policy and strategies in the sector with those defined by the Cameroonian authorities.

  • 13-December-2006

    English, , 712kb

    Indonesia - Social Protection Sector Development Program

    The Social Protection Sector Development Program (SPSDP) was designed andimplemented in response to socioeconomic distress caused by the 1997 Asian economic crisis.

  • 16-October-2006

    English, , 806kb

    Special Evaluation Study on Involuntary Resettlement Safeguards

    This study evaluates the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) 1995 policy on involuntary resettlement. Sixteen case studies of ongoing and completed projects with significant involuntary resettlement were done in the People’s Republic of China, India, and the Philippines.

    Related Documents
  • 19-July-2005

    English, , 684kb

    Sector Assistance Program: Evaluation for the Social Sectors in Pakistan

    This report evaluates 20 years (1985–2004) of Asian Development Bank (ADB) support to social sector development in Pakistan.

  • 12-May-2005

    English, , 286kb

    Rwanda: Evaluation of the Bank's Assistance to the Social Sector

    The major objective of this evaluation is to review systematically the assistance of the Bank to the social sector in Rwanda.

  • 29-April-2005

    English, , 174kb

    Institutional Evaluation of Disabled Peoples’ International

    Disabled People’s International (DPI) is an international advocacy organization representing associations of disabled people (National Assemblies - NAs) from 135 countries.

  • 10-February-2005

    Spanish, , 3,396kb

  • 1-December-2004

    English, , 48kb

    KV – Reconstruction of Rural Infrastructure

    Summary A BMZ consultant mission visited Sierra Leone from August 31st to September 13th in order to conduct an evaluation of the Sierra Leone-German programmes named “Re-integration of Ex-Combatants” and “Reconstruction of Rural Infrastructure” to analyse the appropriateness of the projects regarding their concepts and objectives. Against this background, experiences had to be evaluated to outline the further orientation of

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