
  • 4-December-2008

    English, , 1,998kb

    Continuous Improvement in the Central American Workplace (CIMCAW)

    This report represents the final project performance report for the Continuous Improvement in the Central American Workplace (CIMCAW) project.

  • 22-October-2008

    English, Excel, 1,305kb

    Evaluation of Traidlinks

    Traidlinks is a new entity established with Irish Aid support in 2006. Its overall aim is to support private sector development, initially in Uganda and subsequently in other African countries, by facilitating links between private sector companies in those countries and the Irish private sector.

  • 19-February-2008

    English, , 106kb

    Economic governance - Annual Thematic Performance Report 2006-07

    The purpose of the annual thematic performance reports is to describe progress against AusAID’s policy objectives (including regional progress on the Millennium Development Goals), to identify current challenges in aid delivery and to highlight lessons to inform future investments.

  • 24-May-2007

    English, , 884kb

    Evaluation on ADB's Private Sector Development and Operations

    This evaluation study reviews trends in foreign direct investment, noting the rapid growth in private capital flows in developing member countries, followed by a severe contraction following the Asian financial crisis.

  • 21-November-2006

    French, , 781kb

    Tunisie : Programmes D’appui A La Compétitivité I Et II

    Les Programmes d’appui à la compétitivité, PAC I (1999-2001) et PAC II (2002-2003), avaient pour objectif global de consolider les bases d’une économie compétitive et de permettre une croissance durable de l’économie tunisienne.

  • 11-September-2006

    English, , 905kb

    Performance Evaluation Report on the Private Sector Infrastructure Facility in India

    This report evaluates the performance and achievements of ADB's loans to the Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India Limited and Industrial Finance Corporation of India Limited in promoting private sector participation in infrastructure development.

  • 16-January-2006

    English, , 405kb

    Evaluation Guidelines for Private Sector Lines of Credit (LOC) Operations

    The Guidelines are prepared for self-evaluation and independent evaluation of the OPSD’s LOCs extended to PFIs.

  • 21-December-2005

    English, PDF, 450kb

    Evaluation of European Community Support to Private Sector Development in Third Countries - Volume I

    The purpose of this evaluation is to account to the legislative authority, to the relevant services of the EC and wider public for the funds used in this sector in the context of overall Community development co-operation.

  • 12-December-2005

    English, , 379kb

    Morocco – FISAP And PDEI Project Performance Evaluation Report

    This report was prepared following a FISAP and PDEI performance evaluation mission to Morocco from 11–28 April 2005. It draws on the appraisal and completion reports of these programmes.

  • 1-July-2004

    English, , 1,933kb

    Mauritania: Private Sector Development and Capacity Building, Public Resource Management, and Fiscal Reform Support Credits

    This is the Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) on four lending operations to the Islamic Republic of Mauritania from 1995 to 2000, to assist the country in developing the private sector and in restructuring public expenditure.

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