
  • 1-March-2013

    English, PDF, 1,922kb

    Evaluation of the European Union’s Support to Private Sector Development in Third Countries

    Commissioned by the Evaluation Unit in the Directorate-General, Development and Cooperation of the European Commission, it assesses European Union’s support to private sector development (PSD), aims at providing an overall independent assessment of the EU’s past and current cooperation for PSD and at identifying key lessons with a view to improving its strategies and programmes. It covers the five OECD-DAC evaluation criteria.

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    English, PDF, 3,812kb

    Evaluation of the European Union’s Support to Private Sector Development in Third Countries - Annexes 4 to 10

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    English, PDF, 5,638kb

    Evaluation of the European Union’s Support to Private Sector Development in Third Countries - Annex 3

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  • 1-March-2013

    English, PDF, 2,225kb

    Evaluation of the European Union’s Support to Private Sector Development in Third Countries - Annexes 1 and 2

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