
  • 4-August-2014

    English, PDF, 898kb

    In search of focus and effectiveness : Policy review of Dutch support for private sector development 2005-2012

    Private sector development became an increasingly central focus of Dutch development policy from 2010 onwards. The international literature about bottlenecks in private sector development states the importance of a stimulating investment climate for the private sector. But what is known about the results of the Dutch policy? This policy review is looking into the results of the Dutch development policy on private sector development.

  • 12-June-2014

    English, PDF, 201kb

    Evaluation of the CIDA Industrial Cooperation Program

    In recent years, there has been a loss of interest in the Program and a general decline in demand for CIDA-INC support from Canadian companies. The evaluation points to several factors explaining this decline including: a strong North American economy, the evolving developmental priorities of CIDA and the reduction in the number of emerging countries eligible for CIDA-INC funding.

  • 12-June-2014

    English, PDF, 1,428kb

    Corporate Evaluation of the Caribbean Regional Program

    This evaluation process fully involved key partner institutions in the Caribbean, such as the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat, Caribbean Development Bank, Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Secretariat, selected governments, NGOs, and international development partners. The evaluation work was carried out between July and December 2003.

  • 12-March-2014

    English, PDF, 3,034kb

    Children and Youth in Africa (CHYAO) Trust Fund – Sierra Leone

    Evaluation of the “Children and Youth in Africa (CHYAO) Trust Fund – Sierra Leone. The overall objective of the projects was the promotion of youth employment in compliance with country needs.

  • 12-March-2014

    English, PDF, 3,266kb

    Evaluation of Credit Lines to Support SMEs in Tunisia, Egypt and Palestine

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, General Directorate for Development Cooperation, Office IX, has promoted the realization of an independent evaluation of three aid credit projects aimed at facilitating access to long-term credit for small and medium enterprises in Tunisia, Egypt and Palestine.

  • 29-December-2013

    English, PDF, 2,914kb

    ADB Support for Strengthening the Enabling Environment for Private Sector Development

    This thematic evaluation study seeks to understand how the Asian Development Bank has been contributing towards private sector development by improving the enabling environment for private sector businesses to identify ways of enhancing such efforts in line with Strategy 2020 objectives.

  • 18-November-2013

    English, PDF, 1,165kb

    IOB Study: Corporate Social Responsibility: the role of public policy. A systematic review

    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) focuses on creating social and environmental value in addition to economic performance: people, planet and profit (or Triple P). Public authorities are increasingly supporting companies that choose to do so. What has become of the Dutch government’s efforts to influence the way companies approach CSR in developing countries? No overarching evaluation of that policy is available.

  • 10-October-2013

    English, PDF, 3,464kb

    Learning Lessons: Enhancing the Contribution of the Private Sector to Inclusive and Environmentally Sustainable Growth

    This Learning Lessons distills lessons from ADB’s experience with a view to informing the selection, design, and monitoring of future private sector operations.

  • 31-May-2013

    English, PDF, 1,350kb

    Evaluation of the Private Sector Development - Austrian Development Cooperation

    The Private Sector Development policy framework has been a key theme for the Austrian Development Cooperation since the establishment of ADA in 2004. ADC’s 3-year programs have all stressed that economic development is as a prerequisite for long-term poverty reduction and that investments, including foreign direct investments, are key mechanisms for creating jobs and government revenues through taxes.

  • 23-May-2013

    English, PDF, 831kb

    DFID’s Use of Contractors to Deliver Aid Programmes

    DFID uses private sector contractors to assist in delivering aid, accounting for 9% of its aid expenditure in 2011-12. Their roles range from procuring equipment to providing technical advice, to delivering programmes. This report focuses on contractor programme delivery, likely to remain an important option for DFID given its increasing budget and focus on fragile and conflict states.

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