
  • 8-December-2015

    English, PDF, 1,808kb

    Concentration Difficulties? An analysis of Swedish Aid Proliferation

    One of the major points on the Paris Agenda on aid effectiveness was the negative effects of aid dispersion –too many donors, too many activities in too many recipient countries. In 2007, Sweden launched an ambitious policy of concentrating its bilateral aid in certain groups of partner countries. This report revisits the arguments for why aid dispersion should be reduced and finds them, on balance, to be valid still.

  • 22-November-2012

    English, PDF, 2,624kb

    Mutual accountability in practice: The case of Mozambique

    Mozambique is chosen as a case study due to its reputation as a forerunner on aid effectiveness and on mutual accountability in particular. In Mozambique, there is a well-developed mechanism and a certain amount of institutional capacity for the implementation of mutual accountability.

  • 3-September-2011

    French, , 1,205kb

    Evaluation de la mise en oeuvre de la Déclaration de Paris - Phase 2 - Mali

    Depuis la mise en oeuvre de la DdP on peut noter au Mali une évolution positive dans la mise en oeuvre des engagements pris mêmes si certaines difficultés persistent encore.

  • 5-June-2011

    English, , 1,325kb

    Evaluation of the Paris Declaration, Phase II - Executive Summary

    Summary of phase 2 of the Evaluation of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness looking at the relevance and effectiveness of the Declaration and its contribution to aid effectiveness and ultimately to development effectiveness.

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  • 5-June-2011

    English, , 1,277kb

    Evaluation of the Paris Declaration, Phase II - Main report

    The Evaluation of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness looks at the relevance and effectiveness of the Declaration and its contribution to aid effectiveness and ultimately to development effectiveness.

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  • 5-June-2011

    English, , 1,655kb

    Evaluation of the Paris Declaration Phase II - Annexes

    The Evaluation of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness looks at the relevance and effectiveness of the Declaration and its contribution to aid effectiveness and ultimately to development effectiveness.

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  • 10-May-2011

    English, , 379kb

    Evaluation of the Implementation of the Paris Declaration - Phase 2 Donor HQ Study - African Development Bank

    This report summarizes the findings, conclusions and recommendations of an independent evaluation of the “Paris Declaration Implementation at the African Development Bank”.

  • 1-February-2011

    English, , 1,396kb

    Evaluation of the Paris Declaration - Phase 2 - Zambia

    Although there has been some progress in advancing the principles embedded in the Paris Declaration, its catalytic role appears not to have been as strong as would have been expected.

  • 18-January-2011

    English, , 1,168kb

    Evaluation of the Implementation of the Paris Declaration in Uganda - Phase 2

    This report sets out the findings of an independent Evaluation of the Implementation of the Paris Declaration in Uganda, which are expected to feed into the on-going evaluation of Uganda’s national Poverty Eradication Action Plan.

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  • 17-January-2011

    English, Excel, 810kb

    Evaluation of the Paris Declaration - Phase 2 Donor HQ Study - US Aid

    U.S. foreign assistance has lacked an overall conceptual and organizational architectureIt involves many federal agencies and is heavily influenced by the U.S. Congress and a variety of interest groups.

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