
  • 12-January-2010

    English, , 757kb

    Joint External Evaluation: Evaluation of the UNHCR Joint Organisation Strategy 2007-2009

    This evaluation assesses the efficiency, effectiveness, and relevance of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Joint Organisation Strategy (JOS), which is a four-way agreement between UNHCR and Canada, Denmark, and the United Kingdom (UK).

  • 11-January-2010

    English, , 413kb

    Evaluating Aid Effectiveness in the Aggregate: A critical assessment of the evidence

    The purpose of the present evaluation study is to discuss the empirical studies that attempt to estimate the impact of foreign aid on economic growth.

  • 6-January-2010

    English, , 861kb

    Measuring Empowerment? Ask them: Quantifying outcomes from people's own analysis; Insights for Results Based Management from the Experience of a Social Movement in Bangladesh

    Measuring Empowerment? shows how participatory assessments can empower and transform relationships, while at the same time generating reliable and valid statistics for what were thought to be only qualitative dimensions.

  • 14-July-2009

    English, , 257kb

    Evaluation in German Development Cooperation - A System's Review

    Evaluations need to improve on measuring impact – including at a higher level of aggregation – a stronger national and inter-national networking of institutions in charge of evaluation and more integration and ownership by partners in the planning and execution of evaluations.

  • 19-May-2009

    English, , 3,027kb

    Evaluation Study on Experiences with Conducting Evaluations jointly with Partner Countries

    Since 1999 the Evaluation Department (EVAL) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Denmark has commissioned and taken the lead on a number of evaluations jointly with country partner institutions in countries such as Benin, Bhutan, Ghana, Mozambique, Nepal, Tanzania, and Uganda.

  • 19-May-2009

    English, , 4,263kb

    Evaluation of Norwegian Support to the Protection of Cultural Heritage

    The evaluation report gives an overview of the support from 2000 to 2008, with a closer look at three countries - Ethiopia, Malawi and Nepal. The report shows that 60 cultural heritage projects were supported during this periode.

    Related Documents
  • 23-February-2009

    English, , 523kb

    Peer Review of the Evaluation Function of the Office of Internal Oversight Services of the United Nations (OIOS)

    The present report is the result of the fifth professional peer review of the evaluation function at a multilateral organization. The aim of this review is to stimulate constructive peer exchange about possible improvements in the evaluation function.

  • 20-December-2008

    English, , 178kb

  • 3-December-2008

    English, , 343kb

    Midterm Review Process

    The objective of this special evaluation study (SES) is to update the findings and results obtained by the 1998 SES on the midterm review (MTR) process of projects, with a view of enhancing the effectiveness of MTRs in improving the implementation, performance and results of projects.

  • 2-December-2008

    English, , 936kb

    Tourism Sector in the Greater Mekong Subreg

    This report presents the findings, lessons, and recommendations of an independent assessment of Asian Development Bank (ADB) assistance to the tourism sector in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS)

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