
  • 19-February-2008

    English, , 106kb

    Economic governance - Annual Thematic Performance Report 2006-07

    The purpose of the annual thematic performance reports is to describe progress against AusAID’s policy objectives (including regional progress on the Millennium Development Goals), to identify current challenges in aid delivery and to highlight lessons to inform future investments.

  • 5-February-2008

    English, , 200kb

    Partnering and Harmonization: Review of ADB Harmonization Strategies and Activities in Selected Programming Operations

    A Case Study from the 2007 Special Evaluation Study on the Asian Development Bank's Approaches to Partnering and Harmonization: In the Context of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness

  • 11-September-2007

    English, , 1,524kb

    2007/1 Assistance to Development Research

    This Evaluation Study contains a synthesis of a number of evaluations of assistance to development research.

  • 6-June-2007

    English, , 1,366kb

    Mainstreaming at Sida - A Synthesis Report

    The purpose of this synthesis report is to investigate the extent to which the policies on gender, HIV/AIDS and environment have been implemented, to explore why they have or have not been effectively implemented.

  • 15-August-2006

    English, , 240kb

    Sida/SAREC Bilateral Research Cooperation: Lessons Learned

    The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the support given to bilateral research cooperation activities that aim to strengthen research capacity of developing countries (Mozambique, Tanzania, Bolivia and Nicaragua).

  • 21-December-2005

    English, , 1,160kb

    Independent Evaluation of The SDC / seco Medium Term Concept 2002-2006 in Serbia & Montenegro

    The purpose of the evaluation was to render accountability by submitting SDC/seco activities to independent assessment and to improve future performance through learning from experience.

  • 18-May-2005

    English, Excel, 938kb

    Evaluation Of The Service Centre For Development Cooperation In Finland (KEPA)

    INTRAC, (the International NGO Training and Research Centre, Oxford, UK) was commissioned by the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs (MFA) to conduct an evaluation of the Service Centre for Development Cooperation (KEPA). The research took place during February to July 2005.

  • 22-September-2004

    English, , 966kb

    Influential evaluations: Evaluations the improved performance and impacts of development programs

    When conducted at the right time, and when they focus on key issues of concern to policy makers and managers, and when the results are presented in a user-friendly format, evaluations can provide a highly cost-effective way to improve the performance and impact of development policies, programs and projects. But evaluations that fail these criteria may produce no useful results– even when they are methodologically sound. This report

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  • 22-September-2004

    Spanish, , 982kb

    Evaluaciones Influyentes: evaluaciones que mejoraron el desempeño y los efectos de los programas de desarrollo

    FINALIDAD Cuando se realizan en el momento oportuno y centran la atención en cuestiones clave que preocupan a las autoridadesencargadas de formular las políticas y a los gerentes, y cuando los resultados se presentan en unformato de fácil comprensión para el usuario, las evaluaciones pueden ser un medio muy eficaz en función de los costos para mejorar el desempeño y los efectos de las políticas, programas y proyectos de desarrollo.

  • 22-September-2004

    French, , 983kb

    Evaluations Marquantes: Des évaluations qui ont contribué à améliorer les résultats et l'impact des programmes de développement

    OBJECTIF Lorsqu’elles sont réalisées au moment opportun et portent sur des questions essentielles pour les décideurs et les gestionnaires et lorsque leurs conclusions sont présentées sous une forme facile à exploiter, les évaluations sont un outil d’un excellent rapport coût-efficacité pour améliorer les résultats et l’impact des politiques, des programmes et des projets de développement. En revanche, lorsque ces critères ne sont

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