
  • 31-October-2011

    English, , 9,893kb

    Results-Based Approach in Finnish Development Cooperation

    The evaluation is meant to deepen the understanding of the results-based approach and management requirements. Managing for results depends not only on technical methodology, but also on the way the development cooperation programme is organised and managed.

  • 31-October-2011

    English, , 886kb

    The Asian Development Fund Operations: A Decade of Supporting Poverty Reduction in the Asia and Pacific Region

    ADB established the Asian Development Fund (ADF) for concessionary lending to poorer developing member countries. The ADF's purpose is to promote economic and social development in those developing member countries.

  • 25-October-2011

    English, , 1,689kb

    Managing for Development Results

    Given that Managing for Development Results (MfDR) mainstreaming activities are still ongoing, the primary evaluative focus of the study is on the process and institutional changes within ADB, rather than on actual results on the ground, which would largely be premature at this stage.

  • 14-July-2011

    English, , 540kb

    Performance of the Asian Development Bank Institute: Research, Capacity Building and Training, and Outreach and Knowledge Management

    The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) commenced operations in Tokyo, Japan, following an inaugural meeting December 1997, as a subsidiary body of the Asian Development Bank to contribute to the development of Asia and within the purview of ADB’s functions and directions.

  • 27-June-2011

    English, , 1,253kb

    Research at the IMF: Relevance and Utilization

    While the research was appreciated by country authorities and the research community, its relevance was often hampered by lack of early consultation with country authorities on research themes and by lack of sufficient country and institutional context.

  • 10-May-2011

    English, , 1,477kb

    Assessing IFC's Poverty Focus and Results

    IFC’s interventions are designed to contribute to growth, although it has been challenging for the Corporation to integrate distributional aspects in projects. Fewer than half the projects reviewed included evidence of poverty and distributional aspects in project design.

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    English, , 1,733kb

    Evaluation of UNPD contribution to environmental management for poverty reduction

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  • 1-November-2009

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    Service Delivery for the Poor - Lessons from recent evaluations of Australian aid

    A synthesis report of recently completed evaluations of the Australian aid program’s efforts to improve the delivery of basic services for the poor.

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    English, , 49kb

    Bangladesh: Meghnaghat Power Project

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  • 3-June-2009

    English, , 573kb

    Evaluation of the EC cooperation with the LAO PDR - Volume I

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