
  • 13-September-2010

    French, , 1,701kb

    Evaluation des dotations de la France au Fonds africain de développement et à la Banque africaine de développement

    Cet exercice s’inscrit dans la politique générale du Trésor visant à évaluer toutes les dotations de la France aux institutions multilatérales (fonds et banques).L’évaluation a dressé un bilan globalement positif du partenariat entre la France et le groupe BAfD.

  • 14-June-2010

    English, , 36kb

    Evaluation of Sweden's strategy for multilateral development cooperation

    The evaluation assesses whether the Strategy, as expressed in the Government Resolution of April 4th 2007, has contributed – or can be expected to contribute - to quality assurance and effectiveness in multilateral development cooperation.

  • 19-March-2010

    English, , 420kb

    Evaluation on Multilateral ODA: The United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security

    This report is a summary of the “Evaluation on Multilateral ODA: The United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security” undertaken by the External Advisory Meeting on ODA Evaluation upon request by the International Cooperation Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) of Japan.

  • 17-March-2010

    French, , 1,887kb

    Efficacité de l'interaction des organisations multilatérales dans les pays africains

    L'unité d'évaluation de la Direction générale du Trésor s'est livrée à un exercice innovant: demander à une équipe indépendante de chercheurs d'étudier quantitativement et qualitativement l'efficacité de l'action conjointe de quatre organisations multilatérales.

  • 12-January-2010

    English, , 698kb

    IMF Interactions with Member Countries

    The evaluation evidence shows that IMF interactions were least effective with advanced and large emerging economies and most effective with PRGF-eligible countries.

  • 21-October-2009

    English, PDF, 522kb

    Strengthening the Results-Orientation in Sweden's Engagement in Multilateral Development Cooperation

    This report sets out the findings of an evaluation of UNDP’s evaluation activities at the country level. It draws conclusions about: general evaluation quality; the conduct and use of country office evaluations; and efforts undertaken by UNDP for strengthening evaluation capacities in partner countries.

  • 20-October-2009

    English, PDF, 190kb

    IFAD’s Management Response System

    This report sets out the findings of an evaluation of the effectiveness and relevance of the management response system at IFAD – known as the “agreement at completion point” system.

  • 16-June-2009

    English, , 2,756kb

    IMF Involvement in International Trade Policy Issues

    The evaluation finds that the IMF’s role in trade policy has evolved in some desirable and some less desirable ways.

  • 17-March-2009

    English, , 2,488kb

    Evaluation of the Dutch efforts to control landmines and explosive remnants of war 1996-2006

    The most important purpose of the evaluation is to understand Dutch interventions. It is not a process evaluation in which the execution of the intervention is followed closely in real time, but a retrospective analysis of a policy process.

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