
  • 12-February-2014

    English, PDF, 3,532kb

    Inclusion, Resilience, Change: ADB’s Strategy 2020 at Mid-Term

    The midterm review of Strategy 2020 provides the Asian Development Bank a precious opportunity to draw on its vast experience over the first 5 years of the strategy’s implementation. This evaluation report views the three strategic agendas of inclusive growth, environmental sustainability, and regional integration set out in 2008 as being highly relevant for the second half of Strategy 2020.

  • 13-September-2013

    English, PDF, 820kb

    DFID's support for Palestine Refugees through The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA)

    The United Nations Relief and Works Agency(UNRWA)provides support to 4.9 million refugees in Gaza, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and the West Bank. The Department for International Development (DFID) is UNRWA's fourth largest donor. This review assesses the impact of DFID’s support on Palestine refugees, the effectiveness of DFID’s engagement with UNRWA and focuses on UNRWA’s provision of support to refugees (except Syria).

  • 31-August-2013

    English, PDF, 1,438kb

    Joint Evaluation of the International Support to the Peace Process in Nepal 2006-12

    This evaluation of the international support to the peace process in Nepal focuses on the contributions made by Denmark, Switzerland and Finland in the period from 2006 to May 2012. The contributions by these focal development partners are viewed in the context of support from other development partner countries, especially where provided through joint funds.

  • 31-August-2013

    English, PDF, 645kb

    Evaluation of Organisations funded under the Emigrant Support Programme

    The Emigrant Support Programme (ESP) provides co-funding to not-for-profit organisations and projects engaged in delivering front-line support to welfare needs of Irish communities overseas, nurturing the heritage and identity of such communities, and facilitating the development of more strategic links between Ireland and the global Irish.

  • 8-July-2013

    English, PDF, 1,247kb

    Development Effectiveness Review of the World Health Organization

    This report presents the results of a development effectiveness review of the World Health Organization (WHO) which coordinates global health-related efforts and establishes global health norms. The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)’s main engagements with the WHO include policy dialogue and development assistance programming in infectious diseases, child health, and humanitarian assistance.

  • 30-April-2013

    English, PDF, 1,765kb

    Evaluation of the United Nations Development Programme contribution to south-south and triangular cooperation (2008-2011) - Facilitating exchange

    South-South cooperation and Triangular Cooperation, which have emerged as vital elements of the global development cooperation architecture, are set to assume greater importance in the future. This report presents the findings, conclusions and recommendations of the independent evaluation of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)’s conducted by the UNDP Evaluation Office in 2012.

  • 30-April-2013

    English, PDF, 2,363kb

    ADB’s Support for Achieving the Millennium Development Goals

    The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have been seen as the world’s greatest promise to help bring about socioeconomic development. As the deadline to achieve the MDGs approaches, governments, civil society organizations, and development institutions are looking back to learn from the MDG experience to inform their position in the post-2015 development context.

  • 31-March-2013

    English, PDF, 1,960kb

    The Netherlands and the European Development Fund – Principles and Practices: Evaluation of Dutch involvement in EU development cooperation (1998-2012)

    This evaluation presents the findings of the policy evaluation of the Dutch involvement in European Development Cooperation with a focus on the European Development Fund and the Cotonou Agreement. Some of its main conclusions show that there is a growing convergence between EU aid policies and the key principles of Dutch aid and that the Dutch view on complementarity and added value of EU aid has changed quite frequently.

  • 30-March-2013

    English, PDF, 3,171kb

    Annexes to the Report: The Netherlands and the European Development Fund – Principles and Practices: Evaluation of Dutch involvement in EU development cooperation (1998-2012)

    Annexes to the Report: The Netherlands and the European Development Fund – Principles and Practices: Evaluation of Dutch involvement in EU development cooperation (1998-2012)

  • 24-March-2013

    English, PDF, 2,059kb

    Working with the World Bank - Evaluation of Dutch Bank policies and funding (2000-2011)

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs facilitated the dialogue with Banks and IFC at Ministerial, senior official, and expert level, in coordination with the Ministry of Finance. Biannual Bank/IMF meetings and the regular BNPP and NIPP dialogues were used to highlight Dutch positions and priority themes. The Netherlands occasionally worked in accordance with donors (in particular UK, Germany, Nordic countries).

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