
  • 12-May-2016

    English, PDF, 1,959kb

    Policy Review of Dutch Humanitarian Assistance, 2009-2014

    The overall objective for Dutch humanitarian assistance is to contribute to the relief of life-threatening human needs among the most vulnerable people caused by crisis situations and natural disasters. Between 2009 and 2014, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spent a total of EUR 1.6 billion on humanitarian assistance. This report presents the summary of an evaluation on the Netherlands’ humanitarian assistance policy.

  • 10-December-2015

    English, PDF, 1,349kb

    The African Development Bank: Ready to Face the Challenges of a Changing Africa?

    The financial and organizational obstacles described in this report limit the AfDB’s ability to take risks in the interests of development in Africa. Despite the AfDB’s many strengths—African ownership and legitimacy, shareholder support, specialized knowledge of African developmental issues—it is at the moment falling short of its potential to catalyze improvements to the living standards and economic opportunities of Africans.

  • 3-November-2015

    English, PDF, 1,625kb

    Banking our Aid: Australia’s Non-core Funding to the Asian Development Bank and the World Bank

    The evaluation found that non-core funding to the ADB and World Bank is an effective and efficient way of delivering Australian aid. Completion ratings for bank projects are either comparable, or better than the aggregate ratings for other partners. However, DFAT needs to overcome a number of challenges to get the best results from non-core funding. Four recommendations to DFAT were made to address these challenges.

  • 6-October-2015

    English, PDF, 2,527kb

    Evaluation of Norwegian Multilateral Support to Basic Education

    The evaluation assesses Norwegian multilateral support to basic education through UNICEF and the Global Partnership for Education. It looks at development aid effectiveness, aid management and financing of education in: Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Haiti, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Nepal and Zambia. The emphasis was put on three education goals: quality of learning, gender and inclusion of marginalised groups.

  • 6-July-2015

    English, PDF, 2,028kb

    Trust Fund Management at the African Development Bank

    Although the AfDB Trust Fund portfolio has grown rapidly, it still represents less than 1 percent of African Development Fund/African Development Bank lending levels. With an equivalent of US$61 million of disbursements it is well below the number of trust funds and disbursement levels of other multilateral development banks. Still, the reputational risks of trust funds to the AfDB are greater than their relative level of resources.

  • 5-May-2015

    English, PDF, 1,078kb

    The EBRD Shareholder Special Fund – Interim Evaluation

    The evaluation assesses the operation of the SSF against several criteria for relevance and efficiency, specifically its role and added value within the EBRD’s business model and strategic objectives; and, its efficiency. The evaluation provides findings derived from analysis of operational data and documentation, and the views of participants in the SSF process.

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    Spanish, PDF, 11,124kb

    Evaluation of Spanish Cooperation for Development at Multilateral Level 2009-2011

    The overall purpose of this evaluation focused on indentifying and assessing the main strategic process which have configured the multilateral level work from the analysis and identification of main observable actions followed after its starting up. So that this process could contribute not only to the improvement and learning but also to extract lessons learnt and provide useful recommendations for management. Spanish only

  • 12-June-2014

    French, PDF, 1,366kb

    Évaluation de la contribution de l’OMS à l’initiative « 3 millions d’ici 2005 »

    L’évaluation porte sur l’efficacité des orientations et du soutien techniques, administratifs et d’encadrement fournis par l’OMS dans la poursuite des objectifs et du but final de l’Initiative. Elle examine en outre dans quelle mesure l’OMS a contribué à mobiliser et soutenir ce partenariat mondial majeur en renforçant l’harmonisation entre organismes des Nations Unies et en collaborant avec d’autres partenaires et intéressés.

  • 20-May-2014

    English, PDF, 885kb

    Assessment of the Institutions of La Francophonie and Evaluation of Canada's Involvement in La Francophonie

    Canada is the second largest donor to the institutions of La Francophonie. From 2000-01 to 2005-06, the Government of Canada contributed over $230 million to the institutions of La Francophonie through the Canadian International Development Agency, the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade and Canadian Heritage.

  • 20-May-2014

    English, PDF, 1,221kb

    Evaluation of WHO's Contribution to ''3 by 5''

    The '3 by 5' Initiative highlighted the importance and relevance of the World Health Organization's technical leadership in global HIV/AIDS programming and reinforced its effectiveness within the UN system and the international community. The evaluation of the World Health Organization’s role in the Initiative has led WHO to reorganize its HIV/AIDS Department towards more effectiveness.

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