
  • 12-August-2014

    French, PDF, 2,071kb

    Notre aide au développement est-elle verte? Evaluation thématique de la coopération belge en matière d’environnement

    Cette évaluation couvre l'APD belge sur 2002-2012, période du premier papier sur la stratégie environnementale. L'évaluation conclut que la prise en compte de l’environnement par les services de développement de la coopération belge donne des résultats positifs, mais non quantifiables. La pression sur l'environnement des activités de coopération a été réduite et les conditions d'une gestion durable de l'environnement ont été améliorées.

  • 12-August-2014

    English, PDF, 1,922kb

    How green is our development assistance? Thematic evaluation of the Belgian cooperation in the field of environment

    This evaluation covers Belgian ODA over the 2002-2012 first environment strategy paper period. The evaluation concludes that the environmental consideration of the Belgian Development Cooperation is giving positive but unquantifiable results. Pressure on the environment of cooperation activities has been reduced and the conditions for sustainable environmental management have been improved.

  • 15-February-2011

    English, , 2,583kb

    Multi-Donor Trust Fund for the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative

    The initiative was launched in Johannesburg in 2002 to encourage government and companies to work together voluntarily to promote transparency of payments and revenues in order to address the paradoxical “resource curse".

  • 29-December-2007

    English, , 4,203kb

    Impact Evaluation of HIMA - Iringa Region Tanzania

    The HIMA Project in Tanzania promoted sustainable agricultural production, natural resource management, and forestry production among farmers, by utilizing participatory approaches that involved the local population and relevant “indigenous knowledge”.

  • 7-December-2005

    English, , 1,416kb

    Sector Assistance Program Evaluation for the Agriculture and Natural Resources Sector in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic

    This report by the Operations Evaluation Department (OED) evaluates 20 years (1986–2005) of Asian Development Bank (ADB) support to agriculture and natural resources (ANR)development in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR).