
  • 29-April-2005

    English, , 174kb

    Institutional Evaluation of Disabled Peoples’ International

    Disabled People’s International (DPI) is an international advocacy organization representing associations of disabled people (National Assemblies - NAs) from 135 countries.

  • 1-December-2004

    English, , 841kb

    Lessons from Rwanda – Lessons for Today

    Assessment of the Impact and Influence of the Joint Evaluation of Emergency Assistance to Rwanda.

  • 6-September-2004

    English, , 451kb

    Evaluation of the Dutch ‘Governance and Human Rights Programme’ in Guatemala 1997 - 2003

    Evaluation of the Dutch ‘Governance and Human Rights Programme’ in Guatemala 1997 - 2003

  • 6-March-2004

    English, , 799kb

  • 6-March-2004

    English, , 236kb

    External evaluation of SDC's counter-trafficking program in Moldova

    Subject Description The overall objective of Switzerland’s international efforts in the area of trafficking in persons is as follows: Switzerland makes a significant, visible and proven contribution to the prevention of trafficking in persons as well as to the protection of its victims at the international level. Since the opening of the International Organisation for Migration’s (IOM) Chisinau office in January 2001 with SDC funds,

  • 1-September-2002

    English, , 151kb

    A Review of Ireland Aid’s (Development Cooperation Ireland) Human Rights and Democratisation Scheme

    Ireland Aid established a Human Rights and Democratisation (HRD) scheme in order to assist projects outside IA’s programme countries. The main objective of this review is to outline strengths and weaknesses of the HRD scheme to date and to suggest practical options for its future direction.

  • 2-August-2000

    English, , 3,021kb

    The Evaluability of Democracy and Human Rights Projects: A logframe-related assessment

    Support for democracy and human rights (D/HR) has played an increasingly important role in Sida’s co-operation with developing countries ever since the early 1990s. Yet there is a considerable lack of reliable information on the impact of the Agency's D/HR initiatives.

  • 11-November-1999

    Spanish, , 1kb

    Mid-term evaluation of International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC-OIT)

    De acuerdo con los Términos de Referencia (TdeR) se puede determinar como objetivo de la evaluación ,al ser intermedia ,el analizar los avances que se han producido en el desarrollo del Programa IPEC-LA durante el periodo de referencia 1996 -1999 (primer semestre) con el fin de desarrollar recomendaciones y orientaciones sobre la experiencia de lucha contra el TI en América Latina que sirvan de guía para las futuras acciones

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