
  • 3-March-2016

    English, PDF, 2,551kb

    Business and Human Rights in Development Cooperation – has Sweden Incorporated the UN Guiding Principles

    The study finds examples of policy commitments to improved human rights practices by companies as well as diligent efforts in agencies and State-owned companies. The observed good practices by the State institutions appear to reflect results of systematic efforts with regards to implementation of human rights commitments. This is due to internal work in the institutions and not to specific requirements posed by the State ministries.

  • 1-March-2016

    English, PDF, 931kb

    Opening Doors and Unlocking Potential – Key Lessons from an Evaluation of Support for Policy Influencing, Lobbying and Advocacy

    An increasing number of donors have rediscovered the importance of civil society in creating the conditions for achieving sustainable development. The Netherlands follows this trend. The evaluation concludes that CSOs succeed to various degrees in placing issues higher on the agenda and in influencing policy. However, influencing policy implementation is far more difficult to realise.

  • 22-February-2016

    English, PDF, 1,406kb

    Independent Verification and Evaluation of the End Child Marriage Programme: Ethiopia

    The End Child Marriage Programme is well-received both by communities and government. In many cases, its progress towards outputs, has outreached milestones and targets. In spite of these successes, some changes to the programme approach and logframe are needed if outcomes and impacts are to be reached and sustained. The current programme results framework does not represent some vital areas of the programme work.

  • 19-June-2015

    English, PDF, 1,193kb

    Navigating a sea of interests : policy evaluation of Dutch foreign human rights policy 2008-2013

    The Netherlands is an important player in the field of human rights in multilateral forums and in the framework of the EU. Applying a variety of instruments, the Netherlands has contributed to the promotion of human rights. Results include the adoption of UN resolutions and EU Council decisions. A critical note can be made with regard to the degree of coherence between foreign human rights policy and economic policy.

  • 2-March-2012

    English, , 2,436kb

    Evaluation of Norwegian support to promote the rights of persons with disabilities

    The evaluation offers an overview of Norwegian support to promote the rights of persons with disabilities. In addition to the targeted support, the report identifies a few general programs in which disability aspects have been mainstreamed.

  • 15-February-2012

    English, PDF, 54kb

    Democratic development and increased respect for human rights - Evaluation Brief

    The purpose of the evaluation is to contribute to learning regarding Swedish support to democracy and human rights and to provide input for future government policy development.

  • 14-February-2012

    English, PDF, 767kb

    Democratic development and increased respect for human rights: Results of Swedish support in Cambodia and Vietnam

    programming in Vietnam and Cambodia is intended to add input on programming in Asia to other evaluation materials being integrated into a report for the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

  • 12-January-2012

    English, , 1,862kb

  • 26-October-2011

    English, , 2,061kb

    Evaluation of Norwegian Development Cooperation to Promote Human Rights

    Is there a clear policy behind the Norwegian support to human rights? What results have been achieved? The purpose of the evaluation was to know more about the nature and effect of Norwegian support to human rights.

  • 17-May-2011

    English, , 1,186kb

    Supporting child rights: synthesis of lessons learned in four countries

    This report synthesises the findings and lessons learned from an evaluation of Norway’s and Sweden’s aid interventions intended to promote child rights in four countries: Guatemala, Kenya, Mozambique and Sudan.

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