
  • 5-May-2009

    English, , 879kb

    A ripple in development? Long term perspectives on the response to the Indian Ocean tsunami 2004

    The evaluation was carried out at the end of 2008 and early 2009 by a team of independent consultants, covering separately five sets of issues: the roles of the states and civil society, livelihoods and poverty, social relations, disaster risk mitigation, and capacity building.

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  • 2-April-2009

    English, , 1,095kb

    A ripple in development? Document review Annotated bibliography prepared for the joint follow-up evaluation of the links between relief, rehabilitation and development (LRRD) in responses to the Indian Ocean tsunami

    This report summarises the document review for the Joint Follow-up Evaluation of the Tsunami Evaluation Coalition – Second Study on Linking Relief Rehabilitation and Development (TEC LRRD 2). It is not an evaluative document but merely an overview of the available documentary sources.

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  • 17-September-2008

    English, , 739kb

    Impact Evaluation of PRM Humanitarian Assistance to the Repatriation and Reintegration of Burundi Refugees (2003-08)

    This reported evaluation of the UNHCR and PRM-funded programs of assisted repatriation to Burundi (2003-8) was conducted in June – November 2008. The evaluation focused on program outcomes and impact.

  • 13-February-2007

    English, , 516kb

    Evaluation of the PUMA-CASA Project - Final Report

    The PUMA-CASA Project is part of the Canadian response to the December 2004 tsunami that affected several countries surrounding the Bay of Bengal. The project aims to provide disaster relief to 6 coastal villages of the Tamil Nadu State in India.

  • 2-September-2005

    English, , 547kb

    Sida and the Tsunami of 2004 – a Study of Organizational Crisis Response

    This report describes and analyses Sida’s actions in relation to the Tsunami disaster in December2004.It draws upon the growing literature on public organizations in crises, and uses the Tsunami disaster as a test case for core organizational functions to crisis management and mitigation capacity.

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  • 15-July-2005

    English, , 711kb

    Saint Lucia - Watershed and Environmental Management, and, Emergency Recovery and Disaster Management Program Projects

    This is a Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) on the Watershed and Environmental Management Project (WEMP, Credit 2768-Slu and Loan 3925-Slu) and the Emergency Recovery Disaster Management Project (ERDMP, Credit 3151-Slu and Loan 4419-Slu).

  • 10-April-2005

    English, , 767kb

    The evaluation of Finnish Humanitarian Assistance 1996 - 2004

    The evaluation of Finnish Humanitarian Assistance 1996 - 2004

  • 1-March-2005

    English, , 646kb

    Support to Internally Displaced Persons - Learning from Evaluations. Synthesis Report of a Joint Evaluation Programme

    Efforts to improve the institutional arrangements in relation to IDPs (principally within the UN) have been taking place within the context of wider efforts to improve coordination in humanitarian operations.

  • 31-March-2003

    English, PDF, 49kb

    Iraq and Rehabilitation: Lessons from Previous Evaluations

    Iraq is not Afghanistan and it is not the Balkans, but lessons need to be learned from these two recent touchstones of humanitarian experience. There are similarities to Afghanistan in the expanse of the country and the regional socio-political dynamics. There are also similarities to the Balkans in the need to address a crisis with a relatively urbanized, highly educated and (formerly) well off population.

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