
  • 2-July-2015

    English, PDF, 731kb

    Evaluation of local integration

    Refugees in Cameroon, Tanzania, and Zambia have experienced considerable success in local integration. In all three countries, economic integration has been reached as defined by refugees achieving self-reliance and a standard of living similar to the host community. The successes have been the result of a combination of factors including host governments providing fertile land, UNHCR and partner governments.

  • 19-May-2015

    English, PDF, 1,904kb

    Evaluation of the strategy for Danish humanitarian action 2010-2015

    This report presents the findings of the evaluation against six overarching evaluation questions, drawing on case study interviews and data collection in South Sudan, Syria and Afghanistan. One challenge with the current strategy is that it does not include indicators or a results framework for monitoring implementation and measuring the achievement of objectives, making it difficult to assess Danida’s implementation of the strategy.

  • 6-February-2015

    English, PDF, 765kb

    Final Evaluation Report on Refugee Local Integration in Cameroon, Tanzania, and Zambia

    This evaluation identifies best practices in promoting local integration of refugee populations. In all three countries, economic integration has been reached as defined by refugees achieving self-reliance and a standard of living similar to the host community. The successes are the result of: host governments providing fertile land, agricultural inputs, and the refugees’ willingness to integrate with their host community.

  • 20-August-2014

    English, PDF, 3,386kb

    Evaluation of Australia’s response to the Horn of Africa humanitarian crisis, 2011

    This evaluation examines the effectiveness of Australian humanitarian assistance provided in 2011 in response to a crisis in the Horn of Africa, a region well known for its chronic vulnerability. This evaluation identifies how the Australian aid program can improve the effectiveness of responses to future slow-onset crises.

  • 19-August-2014

    English, PDF, 948kb

    Rapid review of DFID’s humanitarian response to typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines

    This Rapid Review is designed to provide timely feedback on the appropriateness and effectiveness of the United Kingdom Government’s response. While not a comprehensive assessment, this review aims to draw out key messages from observations and interactions with intended beneficiaries and humanitarian actors to promote learning by DFID and its partners.

  • 18-November-2013

    English, PDF, 1,860kb

    IOB Study: Linking Relief and Development: More than old solutions for old problems?

    The need to link relief, rehabilitation and development (LRRD) has been discussed for decades. Yet, in practice, there is little updated analysis available on the topic and many fundamental challenges still remain today.Building mainly on existing evaluations and research, as well as on interviews with a range of experts in this field, the study discusses the different challenges to linking humanitarian aid to development.

  • 4-September-2013

    English, PDF, 6,117kb

    Evaluation of Five Humanitarian Programmes of the Norwegian Refugee Council and of the Standby Roster NORCAP

    The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) has in general delivered agreed outputs in the humanitarian programmes examined, and has managed to do so under extremely difficult conditions. NRC has good access to difficult areas and its conflict sensitivity is apparent. If the identified shortcomings are remedied, the emergency roster could according to the evaluator increase its relevance and efficiency.

  • 3-September-2013

    English, PDF, 1,662kb

    Public Expenditure Tracking Survey and Analysis of the Evaluation of five Humanitarian Programs of the Norwegian Refugee Council and of the Standby Roster NORCAP.

    Public Expenditure Tracking Survey and Analysis of the Evaluation of five Humanitarian Programs of the Norwegian Refugee Council and of the Standby Roster NORCAP.

  • 3-September-2013

    English, PDF, 807kb

    Case Country Report - South Sudan of the Evaluation of five Humanitarian Programs of the Norwegian Refugee Council and of the Standby Roster NORCAP

    Case Country Report - South Sudan of the Evaluation of five Humanitarian Programs of the Norwegian Refugee Council and of the Standby Roster NORCAP

  • 3-September-2013

    English, PDF, 1,531kb

    Case Country Report - Somalia of the Evaluation of five Humanitarian Programs of the Norwegian Refugee Council and of the Standby Roster NORCAP.

    Case Country Report - Somalia of the Evaluation of five Humanitarian Programs of the Norwegian Refugee Council and of the Standby Roster NORCAP.

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