
  • 11-November-2005

    Spanish, , 2,428kb

  • 2-November-2005

    Swedish, , 812kb

    Institutionsutveckling skapas inifrån - Lärdomar från konsulters erfarenheter av stöd till formella och informella regler

    What have we learned from the experience of supporting the development of institutions – formal and informal rules – within the framework of Swedish development cooperation? What has worked well and what has not worked? From what aspects, for whom, under what circumstances – and why? These questions were posed to a group of experienced consultants at two seminars in the summer of 2005. The aim was to try to identify lessons learned

  • 1-February-2005

    English, , 50kb

    Evaluation summary - Promoting the establishment of a cadastral system in Cambodia

    Summary The German-backed TC project is a contribution to the multilaterally financed “Land Management and Administration Project” (LMAP). LMAP aims to help resolve the complex and interconnected problems in the land sector in the post-conflict and transition situation in Cambodia. LMAP was planned jointly in 2001 by the Cambodian Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction (MLMUPC), the World Bank, and German and

  • 16-November-2004

    French, Excel, 522kb

    Convention d'Objectifs avec Cités Unies France (2000-2003)

    La présente évaluation est consacrée à la «Convention d’objectifs triennale passée entre le ministère des Affaires étrangères (MAE) et Cités Unies France (CUF) pour la promotion dans la durée de la coopération décentralisée.

  • 6-September-2004

    English, , 451kb

    Evaluation of the Dutch ‘Governance and Human Rights Programme’ in Guatemala 1997 - 2003

    Evaluation of the Dutch ‘Governance and Human Rights Programme’ in Guatemala 1997 - 2003

  • 19-July-2004

    French, Excel, 522kb

    Convention d’objectifs avec Cité Unies France (2000-2003)

    La présente évaluation est consacrée à la « Convention d’objectifs triennale passée entre le ministère des Affaires étrangères (MAE) et Cités Unies France (CUF) pour la promotion dans la durée de la coopération décentralisée. Cette convention s’inscrit dans une double histoire, celle du MAE et celle de CUF. Il est par conséquent utile de resituer rapidement ce contexte avant d’examiner les particularités de cette convention, ses

  • 1-July-2004

    English, , 1,933kb

    Mauritania: Private Sector Development and Capacity Building, Public Resource Management, and Fiscal Reform Support Credits

    This is the Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) on four lending operations to the Islamic Republic of Mauritania from 1995 to 2000, to assist the country in developing the private sector and in restructuring public expenditure.

  • 5-April-2004

    English, , 337kb

    Stronger Evaluation Partnerships, The Way to Keep Practice Relevant

    It is a recurrent complain that contrary to policy the recipient countries do not readily assume ownership of project evaluation, but often seen them as a burden rather than as a useful tool. The changing modalities of development co-operation, with a growing share of aid transfers being channelled through multi-donor budget and sector support programmes are also a challenge to the conventional practice of evaluation. The paper

  • 4-November-2003

    English, , 300kb

    Support for Private Sector Development, Summary and Synthesis of Three Sida Evaluations

    Sida recently commissioned a thematic series of three evaluations of its approach to private-sector development (PSD) support. The present report summarizes and synthesizes central findings of the evaluations, in order to highlight major lessons learnt. It concludes that comprehensiveness and sequencing of measures are crucial aspects of a successful approach to PSD support. In general, support should first be directed to the

  • 3-June-2003

    English, , 4,944kb

    Rural Development and the Private Sector in Sub-Saharan Africa, Sida's Experiences and Approaches in the 1990s

    The main purpose of the evaluation is to assess the extent to which Sidas support to rural development has adopted a private sector development (PSD) perspective during the 1990s. The findings and recommendations of the evaluation are to be specifically used in developing Sidas PSD approach. The focus of the study is on Sidas PSD interventions and approaches in rural sub-Saharan Africa, with a particular emphasis on Zambia,

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