
  • 31-January-2011

    French, PDF, 405kb

    La coopération française dans le domaine de la formation initiale et continue des magistrats et personnels judiciaires (1999-2009)

    L’évaluation de la coopération française dans le domaine de la formation initiale et continue des magistrats et personnels judiciaires couvre la période 1999-2009. Elle porte sur l’ensemble des instruments français de coopération et des pays bénéficiaires, une centaine environ.

  • 31-December-2010

    French, PDF, 749kb

    Expériences de formations-actions à l’évaluation en Afrique subsaharienne

    Ce rapport rend compte de 3 expériences auprès de partenaires d’Afrique subsaharienne résidant en Guinée équatoriale, au Togo et au Kenya. S’appuyant sur les demandes de l’AFREA, relayées par les objectifs d’Accra relatifs au renforcement des capacités au Sud, et ceux de bonne gouvernance, la coopération française a proposé ces actions de formation pour contribuer à développer un vivier d’évaluateurs du développement dans la zone.

  • 19-December-2010

    English, , 1,531kb

  • 19-December-2010

    English, , 1,023kb

  • 22-November-2010

    English, , 1,530kb

    Evaluation of Donor Support to Public Financial Management Reform in Developing Countries

    This study is part of a broader evaluation of donor support to Public Financial Management reforms in developing countries. It brings together available quantitative evidence on the quality of these systems

  • 15-November-2010

    English, , 1,478kb

    Evaluation of Dutch support to capacity development: the case of the Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy

    This one of seven studies is carried out in the context of an extensive evaluation of the impacts of capacity development activities financed through Dutch development organizations.

  • 13-October-2010

    English, PDF, 337kb

    Party Cooperation in a Results Perspective - Colombia

    In terms of strategies and approaches, the five Swedish projects in Colombia are quite diverse. All of the projects are difficult to assess with respect to fulfilment of objectives, due to the way objectives have been formulated and problems of attribution.

  • 11-October-2010

    English, PDF, 382kb

    Party Cooperation in a Results Perspective - Ukraine

    This report presents the findings of the country study on Ukraine, undertaken as an input to the evaluation of democracy support through Swedish party affiliated organisations (PAOs). The Swedish PAOs have been engaged in cooperation with Ukraine since the mid or late 1990s.

  • 28-September-2010

    English, , 290kb

    Egypt Financial Sector Reform Programme Evaluation

    While it had been envisaged that the operation would lead both to greater engagement in financial sector reform in Egypt, and to a follow-on operation, neither of these transpired.

  • 1-September-2010

    English, , 780kb

    How Basic Community Infrastructure Works can Trigger Livelihood Improvements and Good Governance Personal notes on a validated model integrating socio-economic progress and democracy development in poor urban areas

    Traditional democracy support only is likely to yield few concrete results. And projects focusing only on concrete – that is, public works – tend to be few and expensive, of questionable quality and often not reflecting priorities within the community.

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