
  • 12-August-2014

    English, PDF, 1,656kb

    Evaluation of Taxation Reform in the Pacific

    This evaluation was commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The evaluation found that donor support for tax reform in the Pacific has been consistent with good international practice. There was also effective local ownership of reforms with a strong policy dialogue between partners. However, tax reforms in the Pacific remain fragile.

  • 8-January-2014

    English, PDF, 809kb

    IOB Study: Evaluation issues in financing for development

    This study analyses domestic revenue mobilisation in developing countries, which is an essential component of financing for development. It discusses the role of corporate tax revenues and challenges for the taxation of multinational firms in developing countries, with a focus on effects of Dutch corporate tax policy and Dutch tax treaties. The study concludes that for some developing countries these effects are negative and material.

  • 28-December-2013

    English, PDF, 837kb

    Strengthening Governance and Accountability in Pacific Island Countries

    This performance evaluation report assesses the performance of the two regional technical assistance projects in meeting their objectives as well as contributing to the overarching objective of improving governance, transparency and accountability in the management and use of public resources in the Pacific.

  • 31-July-2013

    English, PDF, 650kb

    Mid-Term Evaluation Report on the Enhanced Data Dissemination Initiative Project (EDDI)

    The evaluation was conducted internally by the IMF in consultation with DFID. EDDI is a five-year project implemented by the IMF to improve macroeconomic statistics in 25 African countries. The mid-point of a five-year project is an appropriate time for all stakeholders of the project to step back and take stock of what has been accomplished in the first half of the project, what has gone well, what aspects have been disappointing.

  • 31-May-2013

    English, PDF, 3,488kb

    Local Perceptions, Participation and Accountability in Malawi’s Health Sector

    Seeking to achieve a participatory approach to development has been the focus of much donor attention, as well as an expressed objective for the governments of many developing countries. The overall objective of which is to develop and pilot test a methodological framework that can be used by international development agencies to improve understanding of the importance of local ownership and participation for aid effectiveness.

  • 18-January-2013

    English, PDF, 843kb

    Building on Local Strengths: Evaluation of Australian law and justice assistance

    The evaluation recommended that Australian law and justice assistance programmes adopts more modest and specific goals, based on analysis of what is achievable in the country’s political, economic, social and geographical context

  • 29-December-2012

    English, PDF, 1,142kb

    Cambodia: Commune Council Development Project

    The project performance evaluation assesses project’s performance as well as the long-term impacts of the project and its sustainability. It examines the project's contribution to the decentralization and deconcentration reforms in Cambodia as well as its contribution to the development of stronger governance and audit systems.

  • 30-November-2012

    French, PDF, 2,821kb

    Évaluation de l’appui aux médias en période électorale en Afrique subsaharienne. Synthèse du rapport Direction générale

    Cette évaluation s’adresse à tous les agents du réseau et aux acteurs de la coopération dans le domaine des médias qui mènent des actions ou qui souhaiteraient initier des actions dans le domaine de l’appui aux médias en période électorale. Elle a fait l’objet d’un travail important de collecte d’informations de terrain, de concertation et de réflexion qui s’est déroulé entre juin et novembre 2012.

  • 26-November-2012

    English, PDF, 2,687kb

    Independent Evaluation of the Implementation of the Public Finance Management Reform Strategy 2008-2012

    The objective of this report is to undertake an “end of term” assessment of the performance of the PFM Reform Strategy 2008 – 2012. In undertaking this assessment exercise,three key benchmark reports have been used to provide a base position: GoR PFM Reform Strategy (2008-2012), the Public Financial Management Reform Strategy (PFMRS) Mid Term Review, published in May 2011 and The PEFA Report of 2010.

  • 22-November-2012

    English, PDF, 2,624kb

    Mutual accountability in practice: The case of Mozambique

    Mozambique is chosen as a case study due to its reputation as a forerunner on aid effectiveness and on mutual accountability in particular. In Mozambique, there is a well-developed mechanism and a certain amount of institutional capacity for the implementation of mutual accountability.

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