
  • 6-February-2015

    English, PDF, 2,742kb

    Evaluating the Effectiveness of Gender-Based Violence Prevention Programs with Refugees in Chad

    The evaluation assesses the effectiveness of gender-based violence (GBV) prevention programming for individuals and communities at risk. It also identifies appropriate indicators for measuring the effectiveness of GBV prevention interventions in refugee settings; and characterizes best practices and lessons learned in engaging men and boys in GBV prevention and response interventions in refugee settings.

  • 6-February-2015

    English, PDF, 2,656kb

    Evaluating The Effectiveness of Gender-Based Violence Prevention Programs with Refugees in Uganda

    This evaluation focused on GBV prevention programs conducted by the American Refugee Committee (ARC) and the Medical Teams International (MTI). ARC and MTI consistently met, exceeded, or achieved progress toward planned gender-based violence prevention and response program objectives and activities during the evaluation period. Both organizations were on target to achieve current program activities in FY 2013.

  • 6-February-2015

    English, PDF, 1,838kb

    Evaluating The Effectiveness of Gender-Based Violence Prevention Programs with Refugees in Chad, Malaysia, and Uganda

    With respect to primary gender-based violence (GBV) prevention, NGOs used a variety of awareness-raising strategies and approaches to target refugee communities and specific population subsets. Overall, they were effectively able to engage with refugee communities. However, best practice models and program indicators that can demonstrate the success of awareness programming and its impact on social norms change are lacking.

  • 15-April-2014

    English, PDF, 2,810kb

    Tool Kit on Gender Equality Results and Indicators

    Development practitioners can use this tool kit to ensure that gender perspectives are incorporated into development initiatives, and to monitor and evaluate gender equality results. The tool kit presents a menu of gender equality outcomes, results, and indicators that may be selected or adapted by users.

  • 17-February-2014

    English, PDF, 522kb

    Integration of Gender Equality in Program-Led Evaluations

    The review outlines factors that influence the integration of gender equality in the Development Evaluation Division of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development program-led evaluations including the experience and capacity of evaluators and the level of awareness and capacity of staff.

  • 20-January-2014

    English, PDF, 231kb

    Gender and Development – a review of evaluation reports 1997-2004

    This report presents the outcome of a review of the gender perspectives in 63 evaluation reports produced during the years 1997-2004. 24 of these were pre-selected by Norad for in-depth review.

  • 1-July-2013

    English, PDF, 4,555kb

    Mainstreaming Gender Equality: A road to results or a road to nowhere? An evaluation synthesis.

    This evaluation synthesis examines experiences in mainstreaming gender equality across multilateral and bilateral donor organizations, based on evaluations from these organizations. It highlights trends in findings, challenges facts and good practices. It provides valuable insights for policy and operational change strategies.

  • 30-June-2013

    English, PDF, 3,310kb

    External evaluation on the Development of a short course on Gender and Climate Change (G&CC)

    The overall objective of the short training course on Gender and Climate Change (G&CC)was to build knowledge and understanding of the causes of climate change and its impacts on development and gender relations in Uganda on one hand; and, to build local capacity in Uganda to design and implement gender-responsive climate change policies, strategies and programmes by using analytical and critical thinking skills on the other.

  • 31-December-2012

    English, PDF, 948kb

    Cross Programme Gender Evaluation - Final report

    The Department for International Development of UK commissioned a formative evaluation to provide an early read on the coverage, effectiveness and likelihood of the current programme portfolio achieving DFID-Z’s Gender Vision Strategy. This report provides a theory of change relating to the ‘Road for Empowerment of women and girls in Zambia’.

  • 30-November-2012

    English, PDF, 1,733kb

    Adaptation Learning Programme (ALP) CARE International Mid-Term Review - Final Report

    The Adaptation Learning Programme in Africa (ALP) seeks to increase the capacity of vulnerable households in sub-Saharan Africa to adapt to climate variability and change with a particular focus on gender equality and diversity. The programme covers Ghana, Niger, Kenya and Mozambique aiming to pioneer, deepen practical understanding of and document Community-Based Adaptation (CBA) over five years.

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