
  • 12-March-2014

    English, PDF, 1,320kb

    II Agreement on Debt for Development Swap in Peru

    The II Agreement debt-for-development swap between the Government of Italy and the Government of Peru signed on the 4th of January 2007, disciplines the conversion of 72 million USD and accumulated interests of aid credits between Italy and Peru aimed to alleviate Peruvian debt and provide poverty relief.

  • 16-February-2012

    French, Excel, 2,460kb

    Évaluation de l’allègement de la dette en République démocratique du Congo 2003-2010

    Comme instrument de lutte contre la pauvreté, le programme n’a pas été efficace dans le cas de la RDC. D’abord, les montants des dépenses financés par l’allègement sont relativement réduits et peuvent donc n’avoir que des effets limités.

  • 16-February-2012

    French, , 2,460kb

    Évaluation de l’allègement de la dette en République démocratique du Congo 2003-2010

    Comme instrument de lutte contre la pauvreté, le programme n’a pas été efficace dans le cas de la RDC. D’abord, les montants des dépenses financés par l’allègement sont relativement réduits et peuvent donc n’avoir que des effets limités.

  • 18-May-2011

    English, Excel, 5,938kb

    Evaluation of the 2005 debt relief agreement between the Paris Club and Nigeria

    The evaluation report starts off by explaining the context of the agreement, and then goes on to reveal the consequences for the Nigerian economy, and the impact on poverty reduction in Nigeria.

    Related Documents
  • 18-May-2011

    English, Excel, 5,938kb

    Evaluation of the 2005 debt relief agreement between the Paris Club and Nigeria

    The evaluation report starts off by explaining the context of the agreement, and then goes on to reveal the consequences for the Nigerian economy, and the impact on poverty reduction in Nigeria.

    Related Documents
  • 15-September-2010

    English, PDF, 9,748kb

    Coming to Terms with Reality: Evaluation of the Belgian Debt Relief Policy (2000-2009)

    In order to judge the Belgian debt relief policy, we have to first assess to what extent the international debt relief policy was efficient, effective an relevant, and then assess the extent to which the Belgian policy has (i) influenced overall international decision-making and practice of this coordinated approach.

  • 8-May-2006

    English, , 599kb

    Debt Relief for the Poorest: An Evaluation Update of the HIPC Initiative

    This update builds on the findings of the 2003 evaluation of the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative, and finds that many of the original conclusions remain relevant for the HIPC Initiative and are potentially instructive for future debt relief initiatives.