
  • 20-May-2014

    English, PDF, 283kb

    Bolivia Country Program Evaluation

    The evaluation assessed the relevance, effectiveness and the efficiency of the Bolivia Country Program during the period 1995 to 2005. Overall, the CIDA program was found to be relevant to the Bolivian context. The Agency has been responsive to the needs and priorities of the Bolivian government and has been consistent with Government of Canada and CIDA policies and priorities.

  • 20-May-2014

    English, PDF, 670kb

    Evaluation of CIDA's program in Bangladesh 2003-2008

    The evaluation examined the relevance, results and overall performance of the bilateral program as well as a limited number of Canadian Partnership and Multilateral channel initiatives. It also looked at the various delivery mechanisms (program-based approaches, multi-donor partnerships, directive and responsive projects) to assess their strengths and weaknesses.

  • 20-May-2014

    Spanish, PDF, 418kb

    Evaluación intermedia del Programa Indicativo de Cooperación en la República de Nicaragua - Resumen ejecutivo

    El objetivo de la evaluación intermedia del PIC 2011-2014 es valorar la contribución de Luxemburgo a la realización de las estrategias de desarrollo de la República de Nicaragua y evaluar las intervenciones en curso en relación con estas estrategias. Se trata de evaluar los sectores del PIC y el PIC en su integralidad, para comprobar si existe una concentración sectorial, y, de identificar las eventuales reorientaciones y evoluciones.

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  • 20-May-2014

    English, PDF, 413kb

    Midterm review of the Indicative Cooperation Programme in the Republic of Nicaragua - Executive Summary

    The objective of the midterm review of the ICP 2011-2014 is to evaluate Luxembourg’s contribution to the fulfilment of development strategies in the Republic of Nicaragua and to analyse ongoing interventions towards these strategies. The idea is to evaluate the sector and the ICP as a whole, to check whether there is a sectorial concentration and to identify potential improvements and redirections.

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  • 20-May-2014

    French, PDF, 410kb

    Revue à mi-parcours du Programme Indicatif de Coopération Nicaragua-Luxembourg (2011-2014) - Résumé exécutif

    L'objectif de la revue à mi-parcours du PIC 2011-2014 est d'apprécier la contribution du Luxembourg à la réalisation des stratégies de développement de la République du Nicaragua et d'évaluer les interventions en cours par rapport à ces stratégies. Il s’agit d’évaluer les secteurs et le PIC dans son ensemble, de vérifier s’il y a concentration sectorielle et de définir les éventuelles améliorations et réorientations.

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  • 2-April-2014

    English, PDF, 627kb

    Joint Evaluation of Support to the National Response to HIV/AIDS in Uganda 2007-2012

    This document reports on an evaluation of the joint support provided by Denmark,Ireland and United States Agency for International Development to the Ugandan response to HIV & AIDS from 2007 until 2012. The overall purpose of the evaluation is to analyse the past practices of government, donors and civil society in the Uganda AIDS response to determine what has been successful, what has not, and why?

  • 13-March-2014

    English, PDF, 2,638kb

    A Case Study on Complementarity in Finland’s Country Programme in Mozambique

    This desk review provides a study of Finland’s country programme in Mozambique. The objective of the review was to assess the extent to which Finnish and international development policies aimed at complementarity were reflected in the country programme.

  • 13-March-2014

    English, PDF, 3,200kb

    A Case Study on Complementarity in Finland’s Country Programme in Zambia

    This desk review provides a study of Finland’s country programme in Zambia. The objective was to assess the extent to which Finnish and international development policies aimed at complementarity have been reflected in Finland’s country programme in Zambia.

  • 12-March-2014

    English, PDF, 2,058kb

    Kenya-Malindi Intergrated Social Health Development Programme

    The general objective of the Malindi Integrated Social Health Development Programme is to contribute to the development, the well-being and the socio-economic improvement of the people living in the Malindi district, with a particular attention given to the Ngomeni area, for the benefit of some of the poorest communities of the Kenyan coast.

  • 12-March-2014

    English, PDF, 1,320kb

    II Agreement on Debt for Development Swap in Peru

    The II Agreement debt-for-development swap between the Government of Italy and the Government of Peru signed on the 4th of January 2007, disciplines the conversion of 72 million USD and accumulated interests of aid credits between Italy and Peru aimed to alleviate Peruvian debt and provide poverty relief.

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