
  • 16-May-2012

    English, PDF, 1,840kb

    Hunting for Per Diem: The Uses and Abuses of Travel Compensation in Three Developing Countries

    While there can be little doubt that the government staff, NGO staff and civil society employees attending training and awareness-raising events learn something and upgrade their skills, the effectiveness of these workshops is a sadly understudied and underreported area. The study makes an assessment of the consequences of per diem compensation.

  • 21-April-2012

    English, , 1,118kb

    Review of Evidence of the Effectiveness of CIDA's Grants and Contributions

    This review focused on three key criteria for assessing aid effectiveness: objectives achievement, relevance and sustainability. This review covers CIDA's bilateral and partnership programming over the period 2005/06 to 2010/11.

  • 18-April-2012

    English, PDF, 8,297kb

    Irish Aid Annual Report 2011

    This is the annual report of Irish Aid, providing a comprehensive account of the work undertaken by the agency in 2011.

  • 29-February-2012

    Portuguese, PDF, 1,136kb

    Relatorio anual da avaliacao e da auditoria interna 2011 - In Portuguese

    This is the 2011 annual report from the “Camões – Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua” (CICL) - In Portuguese

  • 2-January-2012

    English, , 2,761kb

    Results and Performance of the World Bank Group

    In 2008–10, 85 percent of operations broadly aimed to help expand economic opportunities. Evaluations of past interventions show relatively high effectiveness in these areas. However, policy environments need further improvement, and sustainability of public infrastructure needs to be ensured.

  • 23-November-2011

    English, , 763kb

    ICAI's Approach to Effectiveness and Value for Money

    With a strong focus on the impact for intended beneficiaries and the robustness of delivery approaches, the report establishes a set of guiding criteria for whether aid is fit for purpose and being used to tackle the most important issues.

  • 31-October-2011

    English, , 886kb

    The Asian Development Fund Operations: A Decade of Supporting Poverty Reduction in the Asia and Pacific Region

    ADB established the Asian Development Fund (ADF) for concessionary lending to poorer developing member countries. The ADF's purpose is to promote economic and social development in those developing member countries.

  • 31-October-2011

    English, , 9,893kb

    Results-Based Approach in Finnish Development Cooperation

    The evaluation is meant to deepen the understanding of the results-based approach and management requirements. Managing for results depends not only on technical methodology, but also on the way the development cooperation programme is organised and managed.

  • 25-October-2011

    English, , 1,689kb

    Managing for Development Results

    Given that Managing for Development Results (MfDR) mainstreaming activities are still ongoing, the primary evaluative focus of the study is on the process and institutional changes within ADB, rather than on actual results on the ground, which would largely be premature at this stage.

  • 5-September-2011

    English, , 1,568kb

    Evaluation of research on Norwegian Development Assistance

    Evaluation can give useful information about the effects of aid and recommendations about how to improve it. But independent research can go further. It can ask its own questions, dig deeper over a longer period of time, and give more information about the aid world and the world without aid.

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