
  • 30-June-2011

    French, Excel, 170kb

    Joint evaluation of conflict prevention and peacebuilding in the Democratic Republic of Congo - Policy Brief (FR)

    The general difficulty is the distance that separates donors from local realities, which this type of approach does not resolve. The projects follow one another, but with very weak links between them, as the programming does not favour sequencing.

  • 25-May-2011

    English, , 252kb

    Open Fun Football Schools Programme

    This evaluation looks at the Open Fun Football Schools, sports-based peacebuilding initiative in post-war Balkans, Caucaus and Levant countries. The study aims to document the extent to which the programme achieved objectives and draw lessons for future programmes.

  • 11-May-2011

    French, , 404kb

    Programme d'appui au développement socioéconomique pour la paix en Casamance, Sénégal - Interim evaluation report

    Le programme apporte une contribution à l'objectif global suivant: "La participation de la population de la Casamance à la réduction des conflits et à la stabilisation des conditions économiques et sociales est renforcée".

  • 11-May-2011

    English, , 357kb

    Support of Measures to Strengthen the Peace Process, Nepal - Interim evaluation report

    The measures the project takes do respond timely to the acute basic needs of the Maoist Army Combatants in the cantonments and camps as well as the villagers in selected surrounding communities.

  • 11-May-2011

    English, , 377kb

    Cooperation Project: Reintegration of Ex-combatants in Sierra Leone

    Trainers for vocational training were difficult to find and had to be qualified before training. Recruitment of personnel was challenging due to the multiple funding agencies and multi-sectoral approach of the development measure.

  • 25-April-2011

    Spanish, , 344kb

    Programa de Apoyo al Proceso de Paz y Conciliación Nacional in Guatemala

    A pesar de condiciones marco difíciles y conflictivas, las medidas evaluadas se han mostra-do generalmente sensibles referente a las posibles repercusiones conflictivas de sus propias intervenciones (no hacer daño).

  • 25-April-2011

    English, , 388kb

    Promotion of Food Security, Regional Cooperation and Stability in the Southern Caucasus, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia (FRCS)

    The programme sought to contribute to stability in the region by supporting the development of the local economy and supporting the setting-up and strengthening of local institutions.

  • 19-April-2011

    English, , 630kb

    Education of Social Cohesion in Sri Lanka - Interim evaluation report

    The Evaluation Team assessed the impact chain as logical and realistically achievable and only suggested the reformulation of one gender indicator (as already planned by the project staff) and the addition of a new indicator at outcome level

  • 11-April-2011

    English, , 346kb

    The German Civil Peace Service Synthesis Report - Summary

    The Civil Peace Service contributes to long-term peace by developing structures that promote peace, prevent conflicts and strengthen peaceful resolution. The evaluation finds CPS is a valuable instrument, but its management, profile and operations need to be strengthene

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  • 23-December-2010

    English, Excel, 8,654kb

    Aiding the Peace: A Multi-donor Evaluation of Support to Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding Activities in Southern Sudan 2005-2010

    This evaluation was conducted in the lead up to the referendum and provides a reflection on the performance of donor-supported conflict prevention and peacebuilding (hereafter CPPB) efforts since the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA).

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