
  • 31-August-2012

    English, PDF, 539kb

    Evaluation of the Sida and DFID funded Public Policy Information, Monitoring and Advocacy (PPIMA) project in Rwanda

    The evaluation of the Public Policy Information, Monitoring and Advocacy (PPIMA) project evaluating the relevance, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of the programme. This civil society support project aimed at strengthening the interest among Rwandan civil society organizations (CSOs) and citizens in public policy affairs.

  • 21-August-2012

    English, PDF, 1,773kb

    Evaluation of Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative: Lessons Learned from Support to Civil Society Organisations

    Projects were selected for support largely on their individual merit, rather than with a view to building a portfolio of complementary activities that contribute as a whole to the achievement of the program's objectives. This lack of a clear portfolio approach, has at times led to some duplication of activities.

  • 2-August-2012

    English, PDF, 699kb

    Evaluation of NGOs Information and Development Education Projects

    The evaluation of the level of effectiveness, because of the limits of the formulation of objectives and indicators and the absence of verification of the level of benefit achieved, required the utilization of proxy indicators and data (above all, quantitative data from monitoring).

  • 31-March-2012

    English, PDF, 2,594kb

    Evaluation of the School Sanitation and Village Sanitation Programme (EVA Programme)- Full report in French.

    The Democratic Republic of Congo initiated in 2006 this School Sanitation and Village Sanitation (EVA) Programme with support from UNICEF, DFID, USAID, JICA, some NGOs and Local Committees. The overall of the EVA Programme in the 11 provinces where it is implemented in the DRC is "Ensure the survival and development of children by increasing the rate of access to clean water, improved sanitation and hygiene education".

  • 31-March-2012

    English, PDF, 813kb

    Evaluation of the School Sanitation and Village Sanitation Programme (EVA Programme)- Executive Summary in English.

    The Democratic Republic of Congo initiated in 2006 this School Sanitation and Village Sanitation (EVA) Programme with support from UNICEF, DFID, USAID, JICA, some NGOs and Local Committees. The overall of the EVA Programme in the 11 provinces where it is implemented in the DRC is "Ensure the survival and development of children by increasing the rate of access to clean water, improved sanitation and hygiene education".

  • 15-March-2012

    English, , 802kb

    Working Beyond Government: Evaluation of AusAID’s engagement with civil society in developing countries

    The evaluation recommends that Australia build on current strategic approaches for engaging with civil society, work with local systems and partners, and apply good practice in the design of individual programs.

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  • 29-February-2012

    English, PDF, 2,058kb

    Integrated Emergency Response Project II (IERP) for Yemen 2011/2012

    The overall objective is to assess how well the consortium approach has improved the IERP II, its members’ capacities (operation, cooperation), and lessons learned of relevance for the model and for future programming. It seeks to review and document the best practices, successes, challenges, and recommendations for strengthening the consortium’s emergency response project with a particular view to a Phase III.

  • 18-October-2011

    English, , 1,544kb

    Evaluation of DFID's International Citizen Service Pilot Stage: Mid-term review

    The 18 month pilot programme, International Citizen Service is supporting young British citizens to contribute to development through international volunteering and generating knowledge to inform future youth volunteering programmes.

  • 31-August-2011

    English, PDF, 2,828kb

    Independent Impact Assessment of the Chars Livelihoods Programme – Phase 1

    The Chars Livelihoods Programme (CLP) is a major programme delivering a mix of welfare and development support to extremely poor households living on low-lying temporary sand islands (called chars) in Bangladesh. The 1st programme, CLP-1 delivered a tailored package of interventions to 90,684 households – of which 55,000 received a full package of support and are referred to as core beneficiary households.

  • 14-June-2011

    English, PDF, 774kb

    Tanzania NGO Financing

    The three NGOs showed great capability in adapting their strategy to fit the changing context, maintaining steady final objectives, even when local equilibriums became fragile. The projects are sound with Tanzania’s policies in the respective sectors: agro-pastoral, territorial protection and planning and health services.

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