
  • 20-October-2010

    French, , 718kb

    Mission Burkina Faso - rapport d’évaluation

    Evaluation du renforcement de capacités au sein des relations de partenariat entre ONG belges et partenaires dans le sud.

  • 20-October-2010

    English, , 963kb

    Mission South Africa - evaluation report

    This evaluation report of the South Africa mission is part of a broader evaluation exercise on the place of capacity development in NGO partnerships.

  • 20-October-2010

    English, , 608kb

    Mission Cambodia - evaluation report

    Evaluation of capacity development within the partnership relations between a Belgian NGO and their partners in the South.

  • 7-October-2010

    French, , 1,371kb

    Mission Congo Kinshasa– Rapport d’évaluation

    Evaluation du renforcement de capacités au sein des relations de partenariat entre les ONG belges et leur(s) partenaire(s) dans le sud.

  • 9-September-2010

    German, , 731kb

    The International Leadership Training Implemented by InWEnt (Capacity Building International)

    On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) Rambøll Management Con-sulting has conducted the evaluation of the “International Leadership Training (ILT)” course offered by InWEnt (Capacity Building International, Germany).

  • 24-August-2010

    French, , 1,317kb

    Bilan de l’assistance technique à la Fédération des paysans du Fouta Djallon (FPFD) en Guinée

    Plus qu’une évaluation, cette étude constitue un bilan des appuis apportés à la Fédération des paysans du Fouta Djallon (FPFD) depuis sa fondation en 1992.

  • 24-August-2010

    French, , 399kb

    Capitalisation des démarches pour la mise en oeuvre des projets de formation professionnelle: Tunisie et Maroc

    L’AFD devrait alors situer son action dans le cadre d’un appui, par chaque administration, à la mise en oeuvre de sa stratégie de formation professionelle. L’AFD pourra ainsi apporter sa contribution dans divers domaines.

  • 19-July-2010

    English, , 406kb

    Indonesia Strenghtening Public Procurement Program

    The program's overall purpose was to assist the Government of Indonesia to improve the efficiency, transparency and accountability of the national public procurement system.

  • 19-July-2010

    English, , 186kb

    Fiji Health Sector Improvement Program

    The FHSIP Strategic Objective is to provide cost-effective financial and technical support to Fiji Ministry of Health (MOH) Corporate and Divisional business plans. The program has 4 stated components which were modified to suit the MOH priorities.

  • 15-July-2010

    English, , 802kb

    Smallholder Agribusiness Development Initiative

    The overall goal of SADI was to achieve a sustained increase in rural growth and household incomes through productivity gains, better access to markets, and on and off-farm value-added activities in 4 target provinces of Eastern Indonesia.

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