
  • 24-June-2014

    English, PDF, 1,261kb

    Australian Volunteers for International Development (AVID) Evaluation Report

    Overall, the evaluation found that AVID is making an effective and highly-visible contribution to the Australian Government’s development and public diplomacy objectives. Volunteers contribute to developing the capacity of their host organisations, develop people to people links and generate goodwill for domestic and foreign diplomacy.

  • 12-June-2014

    English, PDF, 1,672kb

    Caribbean Regional Programme Evaluation 2006-2011

    The programme has had some good results in strengthening capacity in economic and financial management, trade and development initiatives, and environment and disaster-risk management. However, the regional programming focus and emphasis on multilateral institutions has created challenges for direct Canadian interaction with stakeholders at the national level.

  • 12-June-2014

    English, PDF, 340kb

    Evaluation of the Canadian Colleges Partnership Program (2001-2008)

    The purpose of this mid-term evaluation was to assess the developmental performance of the Program, identify key issues related to the context of Program stakeholders, formulate recommendations regarding changes in the current and/or potential future phases, and identify lessons.

  • 20-May-2014

    English, PDF, 631kb

    Evaluation of the CIDA Technology Transfer Program in Brazil

    This evaluation was a joint effort between CIDA’s Performance and Knowledge Management Branch, the Brazil and Southern Cone Program of CIDA’s Americas Branch and the Agência Brazilera de Cooperaçao. The evaluation indicates that this is a successful program providing a large payoff in terms of knowledge sharing and partnership between Canadian and Brazilian institutions.

  • 24-April-2014

    English, PDF, 4,464kb

    Ex-post Evaluation Report for Public Service Capacity Building Projects

    The purpose of this report is to evaluate the Korea International Cooperation Agency’s training programme for capacity building in public sector.

  • 31-March-2014

    English, PDF, 340kb

    IOB Newsletter: Ambivalence in cooperation between Ministry of Foreign Affairs and SNV

    These are some of IOB's principal conclusions in its report Between Ambitions and Ambivalence: Mid-term Evaluation SNV Programme 2007-2015.

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  • 31-March-2014

    English, PDF, 1,376kb

    Between Ambitions and Ambivalence : Mid-term Review SNV Programme 2007-2015

    This evaluation analyses the activities and performance of SNV Netherlands Development Organisation over the period 2007-2011. The report presents the findings and insights into the effectiveness of providing support to capacity development – SNV’s core business – and how that support has contributed to the well-being of poor people.

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  • 24-December-2013

    English, PDF, 2,848kb

    Evaluation Methodology & Baseline Study of European Commission Technical Cooperation Support

    The literature review was oriented towards the ultimate goal of the mandate: proposing a methodology for the evaluation of technical cooperation. As such, it sought to identify what donors, academics and practitioners had written concerning the change management aspects of capacity development and the overall management of the technical cooperation option within it.

  • 5-July-2013

    English, PDF, 3,035kb

    Iceland - Nicaragua: Geothermal Capacity Building Project 2008-2012

    The objective of this external final evaluation report is to assess the outcomes of the Geothermal Capacity Building Project, report and give recommendations on the lessons learned. The aim of ICEIDA through the Geothermal Capacity Building Project was to assist Nicaragua to enhance its use of environmentally benign geothermal energy resources for power production in line with the energy policy of GoN.

  • 30-April-2013

    French, PDF, 2,735kb

    The technical assistance transfer of AFD

    The French technical assistance remains an essential tool for the reinforcement of the parnerts capacities of the French development co-operation as well as for its visibility and its influence. It contributes to clarify the differents functions of the technical assistance, and appreciate the relevance, consistency, efficiency of the whole measures put into places to reach its objectives.

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