
  • 16-February-2012

    French, , 2,460kb

    Évaluation de l’allègement de la dette en République démocratique du Congo 2003-2010

    Comme instrument de lutte contre la pauvreté, le programme n’a pas été efficace dans le cas de la RDC. D’abord, les montants des dépenses financés par l’allègement sont relativement réduits et peuvent donc n’avoir que des effets limités.

  • 15-February-2012

    English, , 779kb

    Evaluating the Impacts of Budget Support - Synthesis of Findings from Mali, Tunisia and Zambia.

    Synthesis of findings from pilot evaluations of budget support operations in Mali, Tunisia and Zambia.

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  • 24-January-2012

    French, , 978kb

    Méta-évaluation des projets « lignes de crédit »

    Huit évaluations rétrospectives ont été menées sur la période 1996 - 2009 (dont cinq en 2008 et 2009) portant sur 14 lignes de crédit octroyées à différents partenaires dans quatre pays différents (Afrique du sud, Turquie, Tunisie, Viet Nam).

  • 31-December-2011

    English, PDF, 1,385kb

    Strengthening Accountability in Aid for Trade

    When aid budgets are under pressure and scrutiny, there is a need to improve accountability. This is especially true in the case of aid for trade, which has become an increasingly important priority in development co-operation. This report looks at what the trade and development community needs to know about aid for trade results, past evaluations of programmes reveal about trade outcomes and impacts.

  • 23-November-2011

    English, Excel, 4,777kb

    Between high expectations and reality: An evaluation of budget support in Zambia

    In Zambia, budget support has developed into a highly visible and relevant instrument of development cooperation. The budget increases helped to improve service delivery, especially in the social sectors. Nevertheless, serious challenges remain.

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  • 23-November-2011

    English, , 763kb

    ICAI's Approach to Effectiveness and Value for Money

    With a strong focus on the impact for intended beneficiaries and the robustness of delivery approaches, the report establishes a set of guiding criteria for whether aid is fit for purpose and being used to tackle the most important issues.

  • 8-September-2011

    English, , 1,578kb

    Joint Evaluation of Budget Support Operations in Mali - Executive Summary

    Evaluation of the results of budget support operations in Mali 2003-2009. Provides recommendations on the management of future budget support operations in Mali and elsewhere; and tests a new methodological approach to the evaluation of budget support operations.

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  • 30-June-2011

    English, , 2,707kb

    Overlooked Links in the Results Chain (Evaluation Brief)

    This paper focuses on such overlooked, but vital, dimensions, drawing from IEG's work and other development evaluations.

  • 5-June-2011

    English, , 1,325kb

    Evaluation of the Paris Declaration, Phase II - Executive Summary

    Summary of phase 2 of the Evaluation of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness looking at the relevance and effectiveness of the Declaration and its contribution to aid effectiveness and ultimately to development effectiveness.

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  • 5-June-2011

    English, , 1,277kb

    Evaluation of the Paris Declaration, Phase II - Main report

    The Evaluation of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness looks at the relevance and effectiveness of the Declaration and its contribution to aid effectiveness and ultimately to development effectiveness.

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