
Making the most of the social economy’s contribution to the circular economy



  19 January 2022 | 14:00 – 15:30 CET via Zoom

The shift towards a green economy is an opportunity to expand sustainable economic activity and job creation, and the circular economy offers great potential in this transition. Given the social economy’s demonstrated experience in developing circular activities, national and local policy makers, as well as practitioners, increasingly recognise the important role it can play in stimulating the circular shift and reinforcing the circular economy’s social impacts.

Social economy organisations have played pioneering roles for decades in shaping and expanding circular economy practices through activities such as electronics and textile recycling, reusable consumer goods, and repair and remanufacturing activities. Through their engagement in circular value chains, social economy organisations also reinforce social inclusion by providing job and training opportunities for vulnerable groups, help drive uptake of the circular economy through improving the affordability of circular goods and services, and contribute to circular business models based on proximity and collaboration.

As we seek to build back better, how can the potential of the social economy to reinforce the circular economy be more effectively leveraged? This webinar presents the launch of the policy brief on Making the most of the social economy’s contribution to the circular economy released by the OECD and the European Commission. Policy makers and social economy representatives explore the potential of the social economy in supporting circular activities and related business models and how to better capitalise on the social economy’s potential in delivering on those goals.

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