
13th Annual Meeting: Increasing productivity, job creation and inclusion from the bottom-up (Prague, Czech Republic)


 13th Annual Meeting of the OECD LEED Forum on Partnerships and Local Development


10th-11th April 2017 | Prague, Czech Republic




Productivity and inclusion – towards new ‘win-win’ solutions

OECD economies have been experiencing a slow-down in labour productivity growth for two decades, a trend which has now spread to emerging economies. It is driven by a range of structural problems including a breakdown of innovation diffusion from leading to lagging firms and regions, barriers to entrepreneurship and business dynamics, skills mismatches and limited skills formation. At the same time, OECD economies are facing rising inequality. This combines poor income and employment outcomes for low-skilled workers with a surging ahead of top incomes. The OECD work on the Productivity-Inclusiveness Nexus suggests that these two trends may be intertwined, as inequalities in income, education, training, access to jobs and access to innovation stand in the way of productivity growth whilst poor productivity catch up increases inequality. This calls for policy makers to adopt a broader, more inclusive, approach to productivity growth that considers how to expand the productive assets of an economy by investing in skills, entrepreneurship, employment opportunities, and innovation diffusion to lagging firms and regions



4 plenary sessions

  • Understanding the context: Backlash against global integration - Learning from the local

  • Boosting productivity, jobs and inclusion through employment and skills policies

  • More resilient and diversified local economies

  • Mobilising all actors at the local level

8 interactive workshops

A. Future of work: What are the challenges for labour market, skills and inclusion policies and how to better manage the implication at the local level?   

B. Innovation in Public Employment Services: New ways to improve job matching 

C. Business development services: Improving SME productivity 

D. Social enterprises: How can they help to enhance productivity, create jobs and increase social inclusion?

E. Growth, tourism and local development    

F. Business start-up support in Higher Education Institutions    

G. Taking an integrated approaches to social inclusion 

H. Boosting skills utilisation by businesses

Project visits: participants learnt directly from a range of projects based in Prague and discuss their work with staff and service users. 
Local Initiatives Forum: a networking session where participants could present their work and network with peers from other countries. 
Post-event programme: Round table on “Cultural heritage as catalysts of local growth”. 



The 13th Annual Meeting of the OECD LEED Forum on Partnerships and Local Development brought together some 250 representatives of local partnerships, government officials, public employment services, local leaders, youth organisations, social entrepreneurs, business representatives, and academics.



The Forum was held in Prague, Czech Republic. 



The meeting run from the morning of 10th April to mid-day 11th April 2017.



For further information about the event, please contact the OECD Secretariat.


Quick access

+ Conference brochure (CZ version)
(including Agenda, Workshop Outlines, Local Initiatives Projects, High-level Speakers Bios, Logistical Information)

+ Presentations

+ Prague Action Statement

+ Contact


Czech Republic: 

Ministry of Regional Development, Prague City Hall, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Labour Office – Directorate General, Agency for Social Inclusion, Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic, National Network of Local Action Groups in the Czech Republic.


Pobal (Ireland), Australian National Employment Services Association (NESA), Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR-SLK), World Association of Public Employment Services (WAPES), ESF-Agency Flanders (Belgium), gsub – Society for Social Business Consultancy (Germany) and W.E. Upjohn Institute (United States).
