

  • 9-April-2024


    Towards the green transition - Stimulating investment and accelerating permits for low emissions infrastructure

    To meet their international climate commitments and strengthen renewable energy production, many countries will require significant new investment in low emissions infrastructure. To deliver low emissions infrastructure at the necessary rate and scale, many countries recognise they need better ways of planning and regulating infrastructure and its value chains. This Working Paper describes the challenges and opportunities for using regulatory, stakeholder engagement and public procurement tools to help countries deliver more effective permitting. It provides international good practice case studies to help countries stimulate investment and reduce barriers for new, low emissions infrastructure so they can fulfil their international climate commitments while ensuring existing policy objectives.
  • 5-April-2024


    Regulatory experimentation - Moving ahead on the agile regulatory governance agenda

    This policy paper aims to help governments develop regulatory experimentation constructively and appropriately as part of their implementation of the 2021 OECD Recommendation for Agile Regulatory Governance to Harness Innovation. Regulatory experimentation can help promote adaptive learning and innovative and better-informed regulatory policies and practices. This policy paper examines key concepts, definitions and constitutive elements of regulatory experimentation. It outlines the rationale for using regulatory experimentation, discusses enabling factors and governance requirements, and presents a set of forward-looking conclusions.
  • 5-April-2024


    Yes Minister, Yes Evidence - Structures and skills for better evidence use in education policy

    Engaging with research, and ensuring research evidence is used well, is key to professionalising education policy making processes, and ultimately to improving educational outcomes. But the systematic use of evidence in policy making faces many challenges. This policy brief draws on evidence from the OECD Strengthening the Impact of Education Research project’s country learning seminars, as well as the project’s policy survey that collected responses from ministries of education in 37 education systems from 29 countries. The project is based in the OECD’s Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI). This brief presents a set of case studies on two questions: • What human resource strategies can build individual and collective civil service professionalism? • What stable structures and mechanisms can contribute to the systematic and thoughtful use of evidence in policy processes?
  • 4-April-2024


    Illicit Trade in Fakes under the COVID-19

    The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted various aspects of human activity, including illicit trade. Criminal networks have adapted quickly to exploit disrupted supply chains and increased demand for essential goods, creating new opportunities for profit. This report examines how the pandemic has reshaped the trade in counterfeit goods. It looks at the multifaceted effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the trade dynamic, particularly in the European Union. It also explores its effects on the trade in counterfeit goods, drawing on both law enforcement and industry expertise, as well as global customs seizure data. In particular, it highlights the challenges faced, the changing modus operandi of counterfeiters and the solutions that have emerged during this unprecedented health crisis.
  • 4-April-2024


    Mapping well-being in France

    This paper provides two innovative measures of well-being for French communes, namely a well-being aggregate index and an index of multi-dimensional poverty. These measures provide an unprecedented view of well-being at the local level by using 7 of the 11 key dimensions of the OECD Better Life Initiative (income, unemployment, housing, education, civic engagement, health and environmental quality). The results show that joint deprivation in at least five dimensions of well-being is starkly concentrated among 316 communes, representing as many as 5.2 million inhabitants (7.7% of the French population).
  • 4-April-2024


    The Swedish Corporate Bond Market - Challenges and Policy Recommendations

    This report provides an assessment of the Swedish corporate bond market and policy recommendations to improve its functioning, drawing from detailed empirical analysis and in-depth interviews with market participants. It includes two empirical chapters which provide insights into the market's evolution over the last two decades based on original data, emphasising changes since the 2008 financial crisis with respect to market size, issuer characteristics, credit quality, industry composition and investor universe. These developments are also considered in an international context, comparing the Swedish market with selected peer countries, both in Europe and elsewhere.
  • 4-April-2024


    Green Budgeting in OECD Countries 2024

    This report provides an overview of green budgeting practices across OECD countries based on the 2022 OECD Green Budgeting Survey, as well as the index methodology for the Survey. It takes stock of OECD countries’ progress in bringing climate and environmental considerations into budgeting frameworks and processes. Green budgeting involves a systematic approach across all stages of the budget process, including financial reporting and budget oversight. The growth in green budgeting in OECD countries, as shown in the report, demonstrates the key role of budget offices in ensuring that policy priorities relating to climate change and the environment are taken into account when allocating resources through the budget process.
  • 3-avril-2024


    Examen par les pairs de l’échange automatique de renseignements sur les comptes financiers - Mise à jour 2023 (version abrégée)

    Le Forum mondial sur la transparence et l'échange de renseignements à des fins fiscales est un organisme multilatéral pour la transparence fiscale et l'échange de renseignements, au sein duquel plus de 170 juridictions participent sur un pied d'égalité. Le Forum mondial surveille et examine la mise en œuvre des normes internationales d'échange de renseignements sur demande (ERD) et d'échange automatique de renseignements (EAR). L'EAR prévoit l'échange automatique annuel d'un ensemble prédéfini de renseignements sur les comptes financiers entre les autorités fiscales, afin de les aider à s'assurer que le montant correct de l'impôt est payé. Pour s'assurer que la norme EAR est pleinement efficace, le Forum mondial procède à un examen des cadres juridiques nationaux et internationaux de chaque juridiction pour vérifier qu'ils sont complets, ainsi qu'à un examen de l'efficacité de la norme EAR dans la pratique. Ce rapport présente les dernières conclusions des examens par les pairs des cadres juridiques mis en place par les juridictions pour mettre en œuvre la norme EAR. Il complète les évaluations des cadres juridiques et les premiers examens de l'efficacité de leur mise en œuvre dans la pratique publiés en 2022, pour une centaine de juridictions qui ont été les premières à s'engager à débuter l'EAR. Il contient également les résultats des premiers examens par les pairs du Forum mondial concernant l'efficacité de la mise en œuvre de la norme par les juridictions commençant les échanges en 2019.
  • 2-April-2024


    Measuring well-being “beyond GDP” in Asia, South-East Asia and Korea

    Existing well-being measurement initiatives in the region, such as the Quality of Life Indicators in Korea, Bhutan’s Gross National Happiness Index and Quality of Life Index in the Philippines, shed some insight on dimensions that should be considered for measuring well-being beyond GDP in Asia. Dimensions of housing, health, education, environment and civic engagement recur across several Asian well-being measurement frameworks, as well as dimensions such as family and culture which are more characteristic of the region. Identifying vulnerable population groups and securing better evidence on social mobility are also necessary to better measure progress in the region. Going forward, it would be helpful for countries to exchange knowledge on how well-being data available can be used for policy making in a more concrete way, for example, by including it in national development plans or budgeting processes.
  • 31-mars-2024


    Un cadre et un financement équitables pour la transition des pays reposant sur les industries extractives (EFFECT)

    Comment les pays en développement producteurs de combustibles fossiles et riches en ressources minérales peuvent-ils concevoir des trajectoires de transition bas carbone qui soient réalistes, équitables et d'un bon rapport coût-efficacité ? Tenant compte de l’hétérogénéité des trajectoires bas carbone, Un cadre et un financement équitables pour la transation des pays reposant sur les industries extractives (ou cadre EFFECT – « Equitable Framework and Finance for Extractive-based Countries in Transition ») propose des pistes d'action pour les autorités publiques, les industries et les institutions financières en quête de solutions. L’objectif de cet outil est de les aider à saisir les opportunités de transformation qu’offre une croissance durable à faible émission de carbone. Il recense les moyens permettant d’atténuer les impacts de la transition sur les industries utilisant des combustibles fossiles, les travailleurs et les ménages défavorisés, ainsi que de prévenir les risques de verrouillage carbone et d’actifs échoués. Reconnaissant la responsabilité partagée des pays producteurs et consommateurs en ce qui concerne la réduction de la production et de la consommation de combustibles fossiles, le cadre EFFECT préconise la création de partenariats porteurs de transformation pour les transferts de technologies, le financement vert et le renforcement des capacités. Enfin, il soutient une répartition équitable des avantages et des coûts de la transition, à la fois entre les différents pays et en leur sein.
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